The Double Standard!

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Most of us know about the double standard that is used against men/boys and women/girls. This chapter addresses the issue based on what I have hear and/or seen. You normally see it as the follow:


 "You better not have a boyfriend till your 16!" 

"Where are you going and who will be there?"

"Girls are suppose to be smarter than boys!"


"You have 5 girlfriends?! That's my son!"

"Don't cry only wimps cry!"

"Men are suppose to be stronger than women!"

Whatever the case is, I am sure many people hate the double standard, particularly women/girls.

Why is that? 

In most cases it favors men/boys b/c it was created by men.

Yet too often, I see women supporting it.

I'm not just talking about moms either.

I'm also talking about girls/women in relationships and in general.

For instance, What is different from a girl sexting vs a boy sexting? They are doing the same exact thing but it is seen differently by many women. One is seen as flirting and the other as harassing.

Or why is it expected that a man helps a woman with her luggage but it doesn't go the other way.

Why is it okay for a girl/women to have multiple ex-boyfriends but expect to be the first girlfriend?

This is what would be called cherry picking ladies. You are supporting the double standard only when it suits your interest. Yet you complain about it. Either learn to do/expect the same of yourself or be independent by carrying your own bags. 

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