| Comepetition! |

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Heyy! So, you guys have stuck with me for this terrible book, so I wanted to do something for you! A little competition!

-All you have to do is write a short, detailed story (not too long) in the comments.
-No lemons!
-Curse words are allowed
-Blood and gore (only if you want to)

I'll choose the best short story. The winner will get a shoutout on my next chapter, you can change my username to anything you want (Nothing rude, silly, or anything with curse words) and the last prize is of your choice!

Good luck! (if anyone actually competes X3)
If there are multiple people (at least more the four) I'll do a third and second prize also!

-If you win, if you want, I'll display your story to show every good detail I'll point out! Have fun!

Deadline - 31st August 11:59pm

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