Chapter 2

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Tracking the human girl down was easy- seeing her with his own optic's however- was anything but.

Knockout had only been planetside for three joors and he'd had to avoid not just one autobot- but two! Arcee had been expected with how dependent her human was on her for transportation, but Bumblebee's appearance had caught the medic off guard. The red mech counted himself lucky he hadn't been spotted so soon into his mission.

He wouldn't be having this problem if Megatron hadn't expelled his medic from the Nemesis so rashly. If only the warlord had been more... patient- and waited until the autobots were at their base and no longer prowling the city.

Knockout ex vented heavily, letting his engine idle as he sat in a trash ridden alleyway. At this rate he'd be cannon fodder by the end the deca-cycle. If he made it that far.

He was less than a mile from the school but no closer to his objective than when he'd first bridged down to the planet.

People watching was easier when he wasn't doing it for the decepticon cause.

Ex venting a second time he slowly pulled back onto the road, turning towards a back street that seemed to run close to the school. Close enough anyways. If he didn't see the human leave the building he could at least follow her home.

His processor drifted as he drove, musing over the finer details of his mission. He certainly wasn't the best for the job. His position as medic for the decepticons was important- if unwanted. There were a few mechs Megatron deemed worthy of repairs- and if Knockout wasn't there the warlord could lose someone important- all for a grudge the warlord harboured against his medic over a lost relic.

An eradicon was decidedly not suited to the task- but what about Soundwave? The mech was accomplished at multitasking, and could have inserted himself in the girl's life all that easier. Not only had the mech found her, he would probably be better at executing his own plan than anyone else.

Knockout was passing around the side of the large school when he caught sight of Arcee, dutifully waiting in her alt mode. Beside her sat Bulkhead, and an equally inconspicuous Bumblebee.

"Oh this is wonderful. I'm outnumbered three to one." The medic muttered, keeping a close eye on the autobots. There was one good thing about their presence- it confirmed that the children would be released soon.

As suspected the screeching of the school bell was heard only a few kliks later, and then out poured the little creatures. The three humans- Jack, Miko, and Raf, all left with their guardians separately, probably to avoid suspicion. Knockout snorted- how was a small child such as Raf getting into a random Camaro not considered suspicious? Humans were so blind.

As the crowd of humans thinned Knockout began thoroughly checking the faces, trying to identify his target while keeping an eye on Arcee, who was being held up by her fleshy. It got boring fast- the searching part. People watching was easy- fun even.

"I've never seen hair that color before..." He was hopeless.

“Pay attention. Someone could take your spark right out of your chassis and you'd never notice."

Knockout rolled his optics. "Puhlease. I'd notice Br..." His voice trailed off, and his spark gave a pained throb. "Whatever." He didn't care.

His filtering through the faces resumed, the joy dimmed by the awareness of his loss. It didn't make this task any easier; out of all the mechs he had the most justified reason to detest humankind. And yet here he was- looking to keep one as a pet. Asset. Pfft, as if.

Knockout was about ready to throw in the towel when a familiar messy head of brown hair caught his attention.

The figure turned, allowing him a good look at their face.


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