Chapter 5

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Knockout threw the ornamental keys down on the countertop, trying not to curse aloud.

Not only did the human not respect him- she had wrenched open his door so roughly! Of course she hadn't damaged it but her lack of respect to his body rubbed him the wrong way. She might have not known that the vehicle was actually her guardian, but she comprehended how expensive he was. Didn't wealth mean everything to these creatures? Or was it survival that was most important to them?

He hummed thoughtfully. Maybe a mixture of both was what drove these creatures.

He hadn't even explored the house, but Soundwave had given him the layout of the house in a datapad... which he had yet to look at.

Maybe a self satisfying trip through his prison would satiate his frazzled nerves.

Knockout perused the kitchen, peering into cabinets and the refrigerator. There was an assortment of human food- plenty to keep one alive for a few weeks Knockout figured. The cabinets had some other food stuffs and dishes, along with a small pot and pan. The drawers had nothing too interesting- other than some cutlery which other than being shiny had no value to the mech.

So the kitchen was what Soundwave had deemed perfectly suited to maintaining a human's health. The average human cooking place. Boring.

Next he ventured into the living room. He tried out one of the cushioned chairs for fun, letting himself sink into it. He couldn't really see all the hype; even though he wasn't himself in the position he was getting a back ache. Skyler had horrible posture.

The house was fairly empty, only two recliners and an obligatory coffee table filling the room he was in. The dining room had a small table and two chairs, and a simple chandelier overhung the wooden arrangement.

Wood. Wood and mud. It was all so fragile. It had probably fried Soundwave's motherboard to make something so useless.

The mech considered for a moment complaining to the chief of intelligence himself, but decided that such a move would be too troublesome for him. He'd have enough to complain about after a deca cycle to melt Megatron's audials.

He pushed off from the chair, striding towards the hallway that divided the two bedrooms. The majority of the space was dedicated to the garage, but the bedrooms themselves were sizeable. Knockout could have probably fit his actual body in one- if he could get himself in there without breaking the entire place that is.

The bedrooms seemed identical at first glance, but further investigation clearly proved a difference. Knockout's berth was larger, and the curtains over the window were frilly. There were smaller differences, like the curtains in the service room and the rug on the floor. He suspiciously rummaged through the drawer in his bathroom, eyeing the random tubes of cream.

"Why on Cybertron would I need any of this?" Knockout was about to taste the mint green cream when he heard someone clearing their throat behind him.

"What are you doing?"

Knockout froze, looking over at Skyler like a sparkling caught with his hand on the oil cake. Slowly he straightened up to his holoform's full height, casually placing the tube of cream on the counter. "Enjoying the privacy of my home," he replied, "I could ask you what you're doing."

She seemed confused, and the little furrow between her brows made him eye her more closely. What a fun little quirk.

"Listen I'm not for gender stereotypes, but I'm pretty sure the room with pink curtains and a cheetah print bath rug is mine." She gestured at the rug by the shower, giving him a disdainful look. "Don't you live here?"

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