Chapter 7

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::The charges on the credit card are completely legitimate:: Knockout examined his holoform's nails, propping his peds up on the coffee table. He was sitting in one of the plush chairs, lounging while Skyler worked on homework in the kitchen.

::$500 in three solar cycles::

Knockout paused, thinking about his response. ::This job is really boring::


::Well I have to take her to school and that takes forever. I can't draw attention to myself by racing to pass time so shopping sounded fun. Besides a great deal of that coinage was spent on the femme:: He had to paint this in his favor.

Soundwave had turned out to be quite sour about the excessive charges put on the fake credit card Knockout had. The spymaster did have to come up with the actual currency to cover any costs; stealing pennies from bank accounts across the globe took time away from his more important duties.

There was no response from the mech for the longest time. ::Don't waste::

The tone that accompanied the two words made the medic relax. Soundwave was satisfied with his response.

::I'll try to keep expenses within reason but with how needy the human is I can't make any promises:: With Skyler as an excuse he could probably get away with anything.

Speaking of Skyler…

She was dutifully working away, long brown hair spilling over the table. Occasionally she'd curse under her breath and her eyes would flash with anger at the subject she was working on before resigning herself to the work.

Knockout stood up, walking over to read over her shoulder. “Tsk tsk, Skyler posture like that will kill your back.”

It was no exaggeration. She was curled over the sheets of paper, and the angle of her neck made his hurt with sympathy. He'd spent many nights in a position similar to that, pouring over medical datapads in an attempt to make up for his lack of proper schooling.

“Buzz off.” Skyler grumbled, rubbing her neck.

“Are you almost done?” He asked, reading over the assignment.

The teen growled, resting her head on the table and lightly banging it on the wood. “I was, until you broke my concentration.”

Well frag, he understood that too. The idea that he could be the villain in the nightmares of his younger solar cycles made his faceplates burn. “Sorry,” He smiled sheepishly, wondering how to make it up to her.

She turned her head so that she was resting one side of her face on the table while she looked at him. “Why is everything about your car?” She mumbled.

Knockout's energon ran cold and his processor almost malfunctioned. “What… do you mean?”

Skyler pointed at his arms, which had gray tattoos in the same design as the details on his doors.

Clever human. Maybe he shouldn't have had so much fun customizing his holoform.

“You always dress to match the car, and you got me that shirt- and that shirt isn't the only one you got me that matches the car.” She gave him the stink eye when she added the last part. “And your tattoos are the same as the design on the car doors.”

He knew which shirt she was talking about, and couldn't help but smirk. It was perfect and he couldn't wait till she wore it. “I like being coordinated.”

“Which came first, the car or Doctor Martin?”

“We're a matching set. Can't get one without the other.”

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