Chapter 6

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When Skyler woke up it was already light in her room. She stretched, cuddling into the plush bed for a few more moments before checking her phone.


It was already ten! She slid out of bed, stumbling to the bathroom and quickly scrubbing her teeth. She pulled her mop into a loose bun, yawning as she did so. How had she slept so late?

What the hell was Martin thinking? She still had school- why hadn't she set the alarm on her phone… the blame game went around in her head like that for a few seconds.

Skyler groaned, leaning on the counter. She was going to miss a day. There was no way she was going in there so late with a shiner. If she did decide to go she'd have to forego getting her clothes first and that didn't sound promising.

Hooky it was.

She strolled out of her room, stretching more leisurely this time. The house was nice, and if she took the day off she could get all of her stuff- which meant she'd have clothes to go swimming in. She didn't own a bathing suit but she did have a T-shirt and some underwear she didn't care about getting soaked.

Martin was sitting at the table, reading off of a weird kind of tablet. It didn't look like he'd changed, but the jacket and vest were gone and his tie was loosened.

“Morning.” She drawled, feeling herself getting defensive even if he hadn't said anything.

He made a noncommittal noise in response, focused on his reading. Or porn. Whatever worked for him.

Yawning again she ventured into the kitchen, content to ignore and be ignored. There wasn't a coffee maker, so she opened up the fridge to take a look. Milk. Milk and juice and more milk. Why was there so much milk? She took out a jug of the liquid, checking the date before putting it on the counter and closing the fridge. There was bread in the pantry and a toaster so she popped two pieces in and looked for a plate and a glass.

“Glasses are in the top right cabinet next to the fridge; plates and bowls on the cabinet to the left of that one.” Martin intoned from the other room, no doubt hearing her rummaging through his stuff.

She froze, gritting her teeth. “Thanks.” She called back to him, biting back a scathing retort. Mornings were not her strong suite. Especially when she had to share those mornings with new people who practically owned her.

Stewing in her thoughts she poured herself a glass of milk, drinking it thoughtfully. She wasn't actively thinking though, her brain was lapsing back into that grogginess of just waking up.

The toast popped out of the toaster, making her flinch and breaking her numb concentration on the far wall.

When she joined Martin at the table she purposely put herself across from him, and kept as visually closed off as possible. The teen nibbled her toast, feeling his eyes on her. She supposed he felt the same, since every time he wasn't looking at her she'd glance up at him.

Why the hell she was sizing him up escaped her.

The silence went from tense to uncomfortable and back again when they caught each other staring.

“When will you be ready to leave?”

“You don't have a coffee maker.”

Martin stared at her blankly, pursing his lips slightly. Apparently he hadn't expected her to overrun his question with her own… statement. “Coffee maker?”

“Yeah.” Skyler took another bite of her toast. “I wasn't sure if you knew. You look like a coffee addict.” Then again he kinda looked like the prick who'd drink expensive imported teas and wines too. It was her own craving for the caffeinated beverage that was talking.

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