Chapter 4

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Skyler Ross sat with her hands cupped in her lap, legs crossed at the ankles, with her hair falling in her face to cover up the bruising on her face.

It wasn't her fault. It had been a long list of mistakes made by numerous people that ended up with her fighting someone in the middle of nowhere over nothing. If it meant anything- she had won. Barely.

Her left eye stung, and she wondering if she was going to get any ice for it anytime soon.

Chief Harden entered his office, Skyler's social worker in tow. That wasn't unexpected, Veronica, her foster parent, worked long hours and couldn't always come pick her charge up from the jail.

"How we doin' Sky?" Dean nodded to her and then to Chief Harden, before sitting down next to Skyler.

The teen bristled at the nickname, but forced herself to just shrug. "I'm fine, Dean." She muttered, trying to be civil with him. He didn't deserve to put up with this- at the very least Veronica should have tried to come.

The woman was using Skyler to get extra cash and sympathy- so why not lay it on extra thick and spare the social worker the trouble?

"Mr. Whitman I don't think I need to stress how I feel about this. Skyler here needs to be cared for by her-"

Dean interrupted the chief before he could finish, "I know very well and trust me you won't be sorry for giving me time. I have good news for both of you!"

Skyler cocked one brow, raising her arms to cross them over her chest. Already she could feel herself trying to remember where everything she owned was, just in case she was being moved again.

"It's not typical by a long shot but Sky, custody of you has been given to a certain Dr. Martin."

Dean looked triumphant and only a bit confused, Chief Harden looked like his eyebrows were trying to leave his face, and Skyler felt... nothing.

Not a thing. Custody changed. She was either sent back, taken away, or some other ordeal occurred. All she knew was that the this doctor probably didn't know what he was in for, and she was going to send the message loud and clear the first time she saw him.

"When do I get to meet him?" She intoned, sprawling in her chair a little. No more Veronica- bye bye.

Dean smiled, nodding as if her acceptance was a good thing. "Well Dr. Martin is actually waiting outside the station."

Oh. Oh! So he thought he was too good to come get her himself? Oh she was going to give this guy hell- she could feel it like an engine revving- she was going to jack his life up.

"Well let's go meet him." She shrugged her scuffed jacket just to feel the leather on her bandage wrapped hands before pushing past Dean to leave the room.

Chief Harden followed them. He'd already lectured Skyler about street fighting and was probably just tagging along to see if this guardian would be any more professional than the last. After all- the Chief was probably sick of his men bringing her back to the station after rescuing her from fights that she equally won and lost. He wasn't a babysitter.

Skyler threw her head back, brushing her hair gently away from her face as she left the building. Immediately her eyes widened like dinner plates and her jaw almost dropped open at the sight parked right in front of the station's double doors.

Leaning against the hood of the most expensive car to probably enter Jasper Nevada, was an equally expensive man. His auburn hair was tastefully messy and slicked back, and a pair of ivory Saint Laurent sunglasses perched on his nose. He wore a suit she bet he'd bought just for the occasion.

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