Chapter 13

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At first she didn't think anything was wrong, but after sitting in the too quiet car for more than five minutes Skyler was grasping that something wasn't quite right. She glanced up from her lap, looking at Martin.

“How was your day?” She gently pried, softening her voice.

He opened his mouth before closing it abruptly. The doctor wrung the steering wheel, shaking his head after a moment.

Bad. Very bad.

“Work?” Skyler had seen him depressed but never angry.

He finally looked over at her, and she was shocked at the hurt in his eyes. “Yeah. Work.” When she started to ask him another question he took a deep breath. “Wait. Let me… let me have a little bit.” Martin didn't say anything else, staring straight ahead with both hands gripping the steering wheel.

The longer they drove the more his mood seemed to fluctuate. Just when it seemed he was about to relax and open up he'd lock back up and that angry set to his jaw took it's place.

The teen sat with her hands in her lap, occasionally looking over at the doctor. The way he was acting was as if he was on the brink of having a panic attack.

“Hey, when we get home how about we make some popcorn and just have a movie night? Junk food and that spicy premade chicken you say you hate.” She forced an optimistic tone. Her smile faltered when he made a strangled noise. “Or not. What… do you want to do?”

He pulled over abruptly, making her stomach lurched as inertia took over.

Martin breathed heavily, and shakily turned up the air conditioning. He rested his head on the steering wheel, not moving when she gently rested her hand on his shoulder.

Man, what had shaken him up so bad?

After a few minutes he straightened up, clearing his throat and taking a deep breath. Continuing to breath in a pattern well known to the teen he coasted back onto the road.

Skyler didn't say anything else for the rest of the trip, and when they pulled onto the driveway she finally took her hand off his arm.

Martin waited for the garage door to close before getting out of the Aston Martin. He had gotten quiet, and even his breathing exercises had let up. He followed Skyler into the house, throwing the keys onto the table as they passed.

The teen stopped, turning to give him a questioning look.

He passed by her, walking as though he was extremely burdened. He stopped at her door, waving at her to come with him.

Skyler felt the blood drain from her face. It was her turn to feel as though she couldn't breathe. Numbly she joined him, following him into her room. It was as she'd left it, except for the mess covering her bed.

All of the incriminating supplies she'd packed were spread out for them to see.

How had he found out? Had he gone looking? She couldn't decide whether she was angry at him for rifling through her stuff or terrified of being discovered. It wasn't as if she had really intended to run away but anything she said at this point would be up for examination. He wouldn't trust her anymore.

Guilt and shame burned through her; she'd been the reason why he'd been so distraught.

"You're planning on leaving- aren't you Skyler?" His crimson gaze held her in place, pinning her down.

She opened her mouth to answer but no sound came out. He heart was thumping violently in her ribcage and she thought it might beat a hole straight through and escape. "I..." What would she say? What could she say? That she had been planning to leave but decided not to? Would he even consider believing that?

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