Chapter 11

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Knockout sipped hot cocoa, sitting in a padded yard chair in front of the house. The fluid did nothing for him, but he still enjoyed the taste.

“Do you mind if we play some music?” A vehicon’s holoform approached hesitantly, a gardening tool held in one artificial servo.

The medic glanced over the unassuming disguise, curious for what secrets the mech concealed beneath it. Megatron could pretend that the faceless mecha were nothing more than canon fodder but Knockout had listened in on their conversations. Even on this mech he could see the individuality expressed by its choice to have its holoform wear a beard.

“No, I don't mind.” This would be good.

The medic had decided to stay at the Adobe base for the day, convalescing in his own way. The bonus was that Soundwave had ordered a group of vehicons to do yard work and upkeep on the house that day. It was all holoform work but the Cybertronian field presence around him was a balm to his spark.

Identical holoforms with minute differences worked around him, replacing summer fauna with that suited for fall. One even set up a scarecrow and the one beside him arranged a trio of pumpkins.

It took the bearded vehicon a klik but soon loud country music began to play.

“Bob it isn't your turn- shut that off and play Lady Gaga.” The one who was perfecting the pumpkin arrangement turned on Bob.

The one with the beard, or Bob, shook his head. “Tif chose last time, and you chose before her.”

“Bob’s right, Artoo.” A lighter, softer voice piped up, coming from the holoform planting chrysanthemums. The base looked similar to the others but was upon closer inspection female.

Now that name Knockout knew. Apparently vehicons were more familiar with human culture than the medic assigned to a human. He and Skyler had just finished the prequel trilogy of Star Wars and were going to start the originals when she got home from school.

The vehicons squabbled a bit longer before settling down to listen to the warbly singer.

The pure harmony among them made Knockout feel pathetically alone. He hadn't had such a quality relationship with anymech, not even Breakdown. There had always been a wedge keeping the two out of sync.

The blue mech would seem ready to open up before shutting down again. The only times he had really been an open book had been when Bulkhead was around.

Knockout sipped his cocoa bitterly and sank into the chair. His posture resembled Skyler's when she was particularly angry or defensive. Her quirks were rubbing off on him and blending into his own body language.

The trio looked up at him, and he glared at them sharply.

It wasn't their fault. The medic reeled in his own emotions, stewing by himself.

Bulkhead had always been there; a thorn in Breakdown's side that kept him up and away.

When Knockout had met the soldier he had almost tripped over himself in an attempt to win the mech's attention. Platonic- romantic- both prospects had appealed to him. All he had known for sure though was that he wanted to know more about the blue and gray mech.

The trainee looked down at the busted up faceplate, helping the pieces into place as self repair systems worked.

Yellow optics slowly flickered online, and they flicked around before finally resting on the red medic leaning over him.

“Where the frag am I?”

“A medical facility outside of Iacon.”

The orange face grimaced, and the yellow optics closed. “What happened… frag, don't answer that. How bad is it?”

Knockout smiled proudly, “You're a lot better than you were. Why, if I hadn't been there to get you no doubt you would have been scrapped for parts!”

“That's great.” The pleasantly gruff voice became a tired drawl.

If the red mech was honest (which he was at the time) he'd admit that that voice made his back strut quiver. “So…” he cast around for an idea of what to say next. “How'd a mech like you end up in an alley?”

“Frag off.”

“You aren't very nice.” Knockout leaned on the mech's numb chassis. He still had the patient on anaesthesia while internal repairs were incorporated.

He let the blue and grey mech lay there in silence for a few kliks.

“What's your designation?”

No answer.

“Mine's Knockout.”

One yellow orb cracked open to look at the medic. “Anymech ever told you that you're annoying?”

The cruelty didn't phase the medic in training. “I could make up a name for you.”

The blue mech ex vented heavily. “Breakdown is my designation.”

“See we're getting somewhere!” Knockout checked the progress on the mending of the broken faceplates. “I don't know if this is going as fast as it should… do you feel on the brink of offlining?”

Breakdown gave the red mech a look of utter exasperation. “No. You're a medic right?”

“Almost. I have a third of the training I need.” Knockout fought the wave of depression. His tutoring had been cut short due to an unfortunate mugging that had taken the life of his teacher.

“So I got a third of a medic taking care of me?”

“Best third you'll ever get.” Knockout smirked.

Apparently he'd been a better third than even he'd suspected. Breakdown had crashed with him one night, and then the next, and then the next, until he had pretty much moved in. He payed for his energon and didn't bother Knockout; the medic had craved the company. It was a decent arrangement.

No fragging around. Literally and figuratively.

Of course Breakdown was involved with the decepticons, and that was what got Knockout involved. Once Knockout finished his schooling he and Breakdown had officially joined the ranks.

Breakdown had, of course, been Knockout's assistant. Not because the soldier was qualified, but because the red mech didn't want them to be separated.

The vehicons were back to complaining amongst themselves, arguing because Bob was playing another country song.

The words were muddled as Tif changed the song to a more broody tune.

So break me down if it makes you feel right

And hate me now if it keeps you alright

You can break me down if it takes all your might

Because I'm so much more than meets the eye

And I'm the one you can never trust

Because wounds are ways to reveal us

And yeah I could have tried and devoted my life to both of us

But what a waste of my time when the world we had was yours...

That a jumble of words and a grungy harmony could describe a mood was not something Knockout had expected. Maybe he'd try listening to music more often. It had a definite appeal.

A/N: Subtle/Not-so-subtle shipping. I actually don't ship Breakdown and Knockout but they're relationship needs to be addressed because it is definitely canon. I'm trying to keep everyone in character.
And more vehicons! Interpret Tif as you will.
Skyler will be back in the next chapter.
Song is Breakdown by Seether
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