Chapter 3

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The red mech had followed the human home, following the same path Laserbeak had taken when the drone was tracking the fleshy's movements.

If he was being honest he was disappointed. He'd expected more... anything. She hadn't deviated from her path- hadn't talked to herself- hadn't anything.

As far as humans went she was the most boring one he'd ever seen. She wore unassuming clothes, had an average physical appearance, and looked considerably less interesting than the teen in the mugshot.

Once she'd gone in the house he'd hung around trying to come to terms with his disappointment. Had he been hoping for her to be some sort of MECH spy that he could disembowel on the spot? Had he wanted her to uncover him and prove to be as observant as Soundwave? Had he wanted her to be at least as amusing as the autobots' humans? Maybe a mix of all three.

The mech stewed in his dejection as he drove out of the neighborhood, letting himself speed up and slow down with no heed to traffic laws. He needed this mission to be a bit entertaining- that was how he worked; he needed a motive. If he had nothing to look forward to he did a poor job and that wasn't an option in this situation.

The medic was so caught up in his thinking that he didn't notice the motorcycle tailing him out of the city until it was too late.

The weight of the femme cybertronian sent him rolling off the road, tires skidding and a scream wrenching it's way out of his throat. It only took him a moment to realize how damned he was- and for him to respond accordingly. He was still rolling with the two wheeler, and he tried to dislodge her with a sharp kick to her abdomen.

Arcee went flying, landing in a crouch and baring her denta. "Knockout." She hissed, showing off the jagged edges of her arm blades. Those would draw energon- his in this case.

He landed with far less grace, and he got to his feet a bit wobbly. "Look what you've done to me now," he transformed his right servo into his saw blade- the only onservo weapon he possessed. "You scuffed my paint." He didn't have his electric staff- and he had no back up. This was not a fight he'd win painlessly.

"I'll do more than scuff your paint." The femme promised darkly, letting out a war cry as she charged him.

Knockout stood his ground, sending a quick message to Soundwave.

::Knockout requesting a ground bridge- under Autobot fire::

The requesting part was strained. His message had distracted him, and the punch to the side of his helm brought his attention back to the situation. His face plate smarted, and he skidded back a few meters from the force of her blow. Frag, she packed a punch!

Hissing he swung his saw at her, getting back to his feet. No damage warnings pulled up on his HUD so he assumed he was fine-or at least only cosmetically damaged. That itself was enough to make him anxious.

Arcee circled him, holding her servos in front of her. "What are you doing in the city?"

"Can't I go for a drive?" He purred, sending another desperate comm. It went unanswered.

It hit him then- like a punch to the face. He wasn't going to be bridged back to the Nemesis. Megatron had meant it when he said that no one was to interfere with the medic's mission. The spymaster was included in that decree. Knockout was alone.

"It's never just a drive with you," she growled, her voice bringing him back to the fight at servo.

"Fair enough." His snark was forced at this point: the mech was genuinely worried. He didn't have the supplies to patch himself up if she cut something important. His mission could be over before it started. His optics darted to the road.

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