Chapter 10

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One Deca-cycle later...

Knockout tapped the door with his knuckles, waiting. After a few nanokliks he knocked harder.

His little beast of a teenager was still sleeping. And his attempts to wake her from a distance weren't working. “Just because it's fall break doesn't mean you can sleep all day!”

Skyler had told him with a sense of weary relief that she'd been released from school for the week, and he had bought it hesitantly. The human terms were still unfamiliar to him though, so he spoke them with a heavy glossa.

The past deca-cycle had been good. They'd made progress he couldn't have imagined them making when the experiment had started. Skyler was slowly opening up, and had even mentioned her sire and carrier; as well as instigating more conversation and carrying it on. If he was going to name a crowning achievement it was when he'd convinced her to give him a wash.

Of course she'd used the hose and that had been terrible but as far as washing all the Nevada dirt off she'd succeeded.

Soundwave had conveyed Megatron's satisfaction with the medic's progress.


“What is it!?” The teen practically ripped open the door, the fury of Kaon's pits in her optics. “I swear to God you'd better have a good reason for waking me up.”

Well… he didn't. He was bored. That problem hadn't ever been resolved; his boredom was detrimental to everyone.

Knockout pursed his lips, “It's already eight o'clock.”

“There's. No. School.” She groaned, resting her head on the door frame. “I get to sleep, Martin. Sleep! Humans need sleep!”

“Of course they do.” He protested, trying to discern whether she was using sarcasm or actually singling him out as nonhuman.

Skyler slipped away from the wall, pushing him out of the way and walking down the hall.

At least she was awake.

“If there isn't coffee I'll murder you.”

“There is,” Knockout purred, happy that his charge was going to stay up with him.

“You complain about me when I wake you up from recharge but when you get me up it's okay because “you're bored”.”

Breakdown had suffered the same treatment Skyler was now faced with.

She poured herself a cup of the bitter energy supplement, scratching her head through her ruffled mane of hair. The dark brown tresses were tangled beyond reason, sticking out in random directions. “You know we stayed up till one watching Star Trek with Mr Wave- the least you could do is let me sleep eight hours.”

“You chose to stay up late.”

“You're the adult,” she grinned sleepily, “then again you do act like a toddler half the time.”

Well that was nice. She was back to referring to him as a sparkling. His mood didn't sour completely but it was dampened.

“So do you celebrate Halloween the traditional way or is that too lower/middle class for you?”

Martin hummed, stalling while he tried to remember the holidays human's celebrated. “It depends on what you want to do.” He was pretty sure she was referring to the darker holiday that centered around severed heads and candy.

“I wouldn't mind it; especially now that I have someone to buy me whatever costume I want.” Skyler sipped her coffee, smirking at him. She had shown no qualms about asking him to buy her things, and he actually encouraged the behavior that research had classified as bratty.

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