Chapter 15

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Skyler sat with her backpack in her lap, tense and rigid with anxiety and anger. She tried her best to touch as little of the Aston Martin as possible.

Idiot. Idiot. Idiot.

She looked over at the holoform.

Martin was still using the disguise, and it somewhat comforted her. She didn't know how she'd feel riding in a car without a visible driver- even if it was an alien car.

After she'd gotten her bag repacked and filled a grocery bag with food Martin had shuffled her into his alt mode, as he called it. At this point she was probably just going along with everything to keep from freaking out.

“I didn't want to scare you.” Martin looked over at her, his holoform's red eyes just a piercing as his real ones. “I didn't want to make you cry.”

She stared at him blankly. They'd been on the road for a little over three hours and neither had said anything the whole time. She wasn't sure how exactly to talk at the moment.

She sighed, opening her mouth but not finding the will to say anything. After a second she just shook her head and looked out the window.

It was dark- they'd gotten home around three in the afternoon and hadn't left until nine in the evening. A quick glance at the clock confirmed that it was 12:23 PM. After everything it felt to her as if they'd been driving for ages.

The teen was exhausted.

“Play some music.” She mumbled, finally leaning back against the chair.

The radio turned on without Martin touching it, and she frowned.

Something catchy was playing but Skyler didn't really pay attention to the song. As a sci-fi addict she found herself slightly surprised that she wasn't more excited. As a pessimist she was horrified that she wasn't thinking of how to escape her impending death. As someone who had extremely poor reaction time regarding surprises of any kind she knew that the shock and disbelief were just taking their time. In fact she'd probably never freak out like she was hoping she would; the slow drip of surprise would eventually drain and she'd never have a real reaction.

But maybe she had already gotten all of her shock out. She'd only had maybe five or ten minutes of screaming and crying but that was enough right?

“What's your real name?” Skyler fiddled with the zipper on her backpack. “Is it really Martin or was that a lie too?”

He grimaced. “My real name is Knockout.”

Knockout.” She gave him a look of disbelief.


She snorted. “What kind of name is Knockout?” It sounded flashy and -true to his character- vain.

“A good one,” He replied firmly.

“You really are into yourself.” Skyler shook her head, smiling. Perhaps her reaction was to just numbly accept the unacceptable just to spare herself from denial. That had to be it.

“I didn't name myself.” He muttered, sulking. “And for a Cybertronian designation it isn't unusual.”

Humming she watched the way the steering wheel lit up whenever he spoke. She'd never noticed that before. “What kind of designations are there?”

Knockout paused. “There's Shockwave, Starscream, Skywarp, Arcee, Bumblebee, Barricade...” He thought for a minute. “Soundwave and Breakdown. To name a few.”

She thought over the names he'd listed. Some of them sounded feasible but Bumblebee sounded made up. Like a comic book character. Her eyes narrowed. “Soundwave? Shockwave? Is one of those Mr Wave?”

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