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I can't say that I didn't notice him.

His pure white hair to match his pale complexion. His slight smile that could be taken as a smirk. His slender fingers that wandered over to the back of his head when he spoke. His green eyes that trapped my gaze whenever he looked at me and smiled. He would come closer to me, lean in and whisper in my ear. Causing a flinch to run down my spine.
He only spoke one word and that was enough.


My eyes slowly opened as I slammed my fist into the alarm clock, not caring if it broke. My mind fell into a daze as I looked at the time. 6:00AM.
I had that stupid dream again. The vivid imagination of the boy in my dreams scared me. They started around a week ago and I'm welcomed by it every night.

I got up and slicked my hair back with my fingers. Getting dressed rather quickly, I grabbed breakfast and headed out for school. I checked my watch. 7:02AM.

"Just in time.." I mumbled.

"Ha~Ji~Me~" I heard a familiar voice come from behind me. "Good morning Ibuki.." I greeted back and kept on my track to school. She decided to join my walk and began to make conversation.
"Haa~ Ibuki is excited for this year!" She shook her head vigorously. I tilted my head in confusion. "Is that so? How come?" I asked and she looked in bewilderment.
"School trips! new kids! It makes Ibuki's heart race!~" ibuki giggled and saluted herself.
"You forgot to add exams and tests.." I added and she frowned. "Don't look too much into it Hajime let's have fun!" She pointed out.

By the time we got to school Ibuki had left to go join the other girls that were mindlessly chatting. They waved to me and I returned the gesture.
I got to the door of my form room and watched as everyone looked at me with utter silence.
This was normal I told myself as I stood in the room and took a seat.
"Good morning Hajime!" Chiaki smiled and took a seat close to me.
"Good morning" I heaved and rested my hand against my cheek.
"are you still having them dreams? Is that why you seem tense?" Chiaki rested her hand on her chest and I just sighed.
"Unfortunately so" I muttered and I saw Chiaki open her mouth but close it when the form teacher entered the room.
"Good morning class" she smiled sweetly before her mind absently dazed.
"Hajime" I heard Chiaki and turned my head to see a rather determined expression.
"I've always read that reoccurring dreams can foresee the future...I think" she stated and I let out a slight chuckle.
"I really wouldn't want to meet that guy" was all I said.

The end of school bell rang as we all left the school building my stomach grumbled and I found myself craving something sweet.
"Perhaps I'll take a little detour to a shop" I mumbled and turned left instead of the usual right.

I saw an ice cream parlour and immediately went in. Okay so I love ice cream? So what?
I took a seat whilst enjoying the sweet vanilla ice cream with a wafer lodged into it. My mind kinda dazed as I became lost in the thought of the boy in my dream. I'm not superstitious to believe in Chiaki's statement.
Once I finished the food I thanked the shop and left to go home. On my way I heard some stifled sounds come from a dark alleyway. I turned my head to see a shadow dressed in black with a big sack that seemed to be moving uncontrollably.
"Shut up you little kid!" The shadow spoke and my eyes widened. Is this a kidnapping?
Without thinking I rushed over and began to call out to perhaps startle the shadow. But it didn't notice me and carried on pushing the sack in a black van at the end of the alleyway. Panic arose as i realised I had left my phone at home. unable to call the police I yelled out once more and ran to the shadow who still did not turn back to my attention.
The shadow stood back after closing the door and his back was only inches away from me. I gulped and tried to push him. But to my surprise I couldn't touch him. I fell forward and hit my elbows as they scraped on the floor.
"C...CGI..?" I gulped as I winced in pain from the stinging of my elbows.
"H-Hey..!" I slowly stood up and tried grabbing the van doors but I couldn't grasp it with my grip and instead watched it as it drove away with the stifled screams of the child coming from the van.

I stood there, unable to process what had happened. "Hallucination..?" I whispered and scratched my head.
I looked at my elbows and saw the blood trickle down my arm like water. I grabbed my bag and ran home.

I couldn't process anything. "Have I been stressing too much lately?" I asked myself.
I looked at the clock and saw that time was passing awfully slow. My appetite had gone and my eyelids began to drop as I felt myself falling to sleep.


My body jolted up as my morning alarm struck. I slammed it to mute it and frankly it worked.
I took a quick shower and got dressed. Not letting myself think of what happened the day prior.

"Ha~Ji~Me~" I heard Ibuki give me the usual greeting and walk besides me to the gates where she departed again. She wasn't as bubbly today but I just thought perhaps she was tired.

I grumbled to myself as I realised that first period was PE. I wasn't the athletic type at all.
"Yo!" Kazuichi roughly patted my shoulder  and walked beside me. I smiled weakly and made my way into the gym when the bell struck.
Whilst all the boys were complaining about having to do long distance running early in the morning I quickly got dressed and headed outside. The coach was blabbering on and on talking about the distance we were running and how 'we always slack off'.
We all lined up and stretched to prepare for the run, some looking more determined then others.
"Ready? Set...GO!"
The boys began to race up in front. I sighed and relaxed my breathing to not use unnecessary energy. The pain of cramping hit me too quick and I felt myself stumble over my own legs. However, I caught myself up and kept going.
The cramping was becoming severe. My mind began to fade and I found my body swaying.

"Reports have just came in that the serial killer has just released the kidnapped boy after a failed ransom took place. The boy was found by the police after he gave himself up. He has been taken to hospital for serious malnutrition"---

"Hajime? Hajime?!" I heard my name being yelled as I slowly opened my eyes. Kazuichi?
"Man! I thought you were a goner" he calmed himself down as I proceeded to get up.
"What happened?"
"You fainted!"
My eyes widened in shock, so that was just a dream?
I got up and began to walk towards the gym, ignoring the yells from Kazuichi.

"Too many things add up. These reoccurring dreams are becoming too realistic. They're connecting" I mumbled to myself as I grabbed my laptop and opened the internet.
I hesitantly typed, hoping it was just all a dream.

'Young boy kidnapped by serial killer released'

There, millions of different stories popped up but the top one caught my attention. I clicked onto it and read deep into the event.
"No...No way.." I stuttered as I clicked onto a news report video.

"Reports have just came in that the serial killer has just released the kidnapped boy after a failed ransom took place. The boy was found by the police after he gave himself up. He has been taken to hospital for serious malnutrition and bruising. Reasons for the kidnapping are still unknown but the police are suggesting it was all for money..This is XX News reporting back to the studios"

"So..chiaki was right? this happened years ago..perhaps I heard it a long time ago and it's been in my mind since then..right?" I assured myself and quickly shut the laptop and fell to sleep.

Form was a little weird the next day. Everyone was so bubbly and excited. I heard that perhaps it's no lessons all day but I didn't cling to the hope of that.

"Alright, settle down class" our teacher came in with a smile planted on her face.
Everyone was really weird today.
"Today we have a new student joining us. Please introduce yourself" she pointed to the door and I payed no attention. It was probably some overrated girl.
"He's so cute!" I heard a girl behind me whisper as they all began to chatter away.
Oh so it's not a she but a he? I thought to myself.
"Hello, I'm Nagito Komaeda..Please take care of me..~" I heard the new boy speak and my heart stopped.

That voice..


I looked up so quick I swear I got whiplash. My eyes widened as I stood up in pure shock.
Chiaki looked at me with worry and soon caught on.
He was the boy from my dreams. His pale complexion and pure white hair to match. His slight smile that couldn't be defined as either a smile of a smirk. was him.

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