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I looked around at my classmates. Their gazes making me feel self conscious. Many had already questioned me about why Hinata grabbed me by the collar. I brushed it off as simple banter or however they call it.
"Hey! Komaeda, do you want to go hang out after school?" one girl vibrantly smiled.
"I'm sorry I have prior plans" I rejected as I stood up from my desk to go to the bathroom.
There was already a swarm of boys talking and messing around in the toilet. Getting in was a miracle, never mind getting out. I tried my hardest to push through the boys but one accidentally shoulder barged me, causing me to face plant into a sink.
"Oh, crap sorry" one cursed before turning back around to continue the chat.
I regained composure and pushed through the door. Stares shooting me in every direction. I sighed a little and looked forward, to see Hinata in front of me. I blushed at the thought of yesterday, how was I supposed to face him? He probably despises me.
"W-wah! Nagito! Your nose is bleeding really bad!" He suddenly yelled and without warning pinched my nose. I winced as he dragged me off to the infirmary.
"O-ouch.." I cried as he wiped my face.
"What caused this?" He asked, his eyes not moving from my face.
"I was accidentally shoulder barged into a sink" I mumbled and he burst into laughter.
"S-seriously..?!" He chuckled. His green eye flecks shone in the light. I noticed his laughter caused a crease between his eyebrows. I lifted my hand and poked the crease. Seeing if it would change. He stopped laughing and looked at me. His eyes widened as he blushed and swatted my hand away.
"W-what was that about?" He rambled.


I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing would come out. I didn't know what to say back to him.
"D-don't be sorry..!" I huffed and continued treating his injury.
"You probably hate it when I touch's disgusting right?" He mumbled. My gaze broke from his face.
"I-I don't hate it.." I whispered and in that moment I found myself pushed on the bed of the infirmary. Komaeda towered over me.
"T-that doesn't mean I l-like it.." I hissed but before I could complain anymore he pressed his lips against mine for the second time. I wriggled to try escape the grip of the boy but I couldn't. His weak frame juxtaposed with his strength. My mind began to go blank as I closed my eyes in hopes of it being a dream.
The thumping of Komaeda's heartbeat against my chest caused me to groan as he momentarily broke the kiss. His gaze resting upon mine.
"I-idiot..!" I hissed as I lightly pushed him off of me. I caught my breath and rested a hand on my chest, my heart leaping. My eyes widened as I realised the one with the thumping of a heartbeat was mine.
I didn't dare to look back at Komaeda, afraid of who I might see. The piercing feeling of his stare caused me to shudder as though the temperature dropped. Hesitantly, I looked up to see Komaeda smiling slightly. His hands dropped down to his side as the breeze hit us from the window. His hair hid his eyes as the wind made his hair flow. The silence wasn't awkward..I just didn't like it.
"W..We may of dated in the past.." I mumbled "b-but that's in the past.."
A shiver trickled down my spine as I shot up, a flush exposed on my face.

"I know you don't like me..I know you never did.." his smile widening with a questionable expression. Huh? What does he mean?
"Thank you for treating my nosebleed..I'm really lucky~" he bolted for the door as i was left with a million questions in my head.
I studied the infirmary for a moment, trying to process how I was feeling. I mean, Komaeda kissed me..again. I didn't know how to think. I hardly knew him yet he claimed to have such a relationship? Was I okay to trust someone like him?
I made my way out to class as soon as the bell went. Scanning the students to see if anyone I knew was around.
Strangely enough, there was no one around at all. The corridor was empty with silence echoing through the area. Was everyone already at class? Surely they'd be some slacking people? I sighed and checked my schedule, seeing that I had history. I followed my way through the maze of corridors. I hardly went the long way to history as I wanted to avoid the corridors. I skimmed through the notice board, seeing stupid events to come. There had been loads of club activities lately trying to recruit people to becoming members. I myself was a victim of the crowds of clubs begging to join but I found no interest in that whatsoever. The cold temperatures of the hallway caused goosebumps to run down my arms. I heaved myself towards the history block. Trying to think of excuses as to why I was late but nothing I could think of would suffice well.

I reached the door and clenched onto the handle, breathing in and out as I flung it open. The whole class blankly stared back at me, like I was some foreign object.
"You're late" the teachers boldly hissed as I took my seat in the back.
"I...I was helping my friend who had a nose bleed" I responded, trying to avoid eye contact as everyone kept glaring.
"I see.." she sighed and continued on with class.
"Hey, Hajime?" I heard someone call my name as I spun around to see someone I had never met before.
"U-uh do you need something?" I asked quietly to avoid the wrath of the teacher.

"Is it true you and Komaeda are dating?"

My heart sunk as I felt all the weight drop down on my shoulders. A sick, twisting pain in my stomach as I looked back at the boy.
"Where have you heard that nonsense..?" I mumbled. The boy turned to his friends next to him and proceeded to laugh a little.
"Someone saw you and him on the main block of school during orienteering..apparently you was sleeping on his lap..?" He rested his chin on his hands as he yawned, acting as though it was all funny.
I wanted to grab his hair and rip his head off. Telling him to get lost and leave me alone.
But I'm a coward. I gritted my teeth and turned around to try and focus on the teacher.


Many people had already asked me if me and Hinata were dating. So I suppose he'll also bear the taunting too. It doesn't bother me but I'm sure it'll definitely ruin Hinata's reputation. I had tried brushing the people off with defensive comments stating that Hinata and I hardly knew each other and could not be dating.
But each time there was a question there was another conspiracy. I didn't see why people care so much about relationships that don't include them? Perhaps it's a thing now?
After the long hour of class the bell for break finally went and the only thing I wanted to do was clear the rumours about me and Hinata. But of course if I even go close to him people would go crazy.
As I came back from the cafeteria I caught sight of Chiaki. She waved to me as I came closer and greeted her.
"Good morning Komaeda, how are you?" She smiled slightly as she became aware of the whispers surrounding me.
"Unfortunately, there are rumours spreading that me and Hinata are dating. I was actually hoping you could help me out..I would really appreciate it" she cocked her head a little.
"Sure, anything"

"Komaeda! Is it true you're dating Hajime?" A girl skipped towards me with a concerned look on her face. I smiled innocently as I thought for a moment.
"Me and Hinata? Don't be ridiculous! He's dating Chiaki.." I answered with my finger in the air, demonstrating annoyance. She gasped and took a few steps back as a boy came to her aid.
"If they're dating why did Hajime have his head on your lap?" The boy yelled in defense as he lightly held on to the girl. My eyes widened as I realised that someone must of saw us. My brain rattled a little as I tried to understand a basic sentence to say back.
"Whilst Hinata was sleeping I lifted his head onto my lap. It was my doing because I like Hinata.." I finally responded as they took more steps back.
"S-so you love Hajime?" They asked and I hesitantly nodded my head. Noticing each and every eye on me as they took a step back.
It seemed they're not very welcome to homosexuals.
I shrugged a little, praising myself for saving Hinata out of the situation. I turned to exit the situation when I saw Hinata looking back at me with wide eyes. I could easily notice his green eyes even with the crowd of people gathering.

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