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Please allow me to warn you that this chapter does have suicidal themes. Please do not read any further if you feel uncomfortable by the subject.


Hinata's eyes scrunched up as though disgusted, with himself. Well anyone would be disgusted if they had to say something so sentimental towards...well, me.

My lips part and my eyes soften towards the boy in front of me, he means so much to me. I love him so much...I...

I can't..

I can't love him..

I push my body up so I'm no longer facing Hinata, the coldness of the drop in temperature causing little freckled goosebumps to form. I brush myself off with a sigh, making Hinata's expression become more confused.

"A..Are you just ignoring what I'm saying?" He bitterly seethed through his teeth. The lump in my throat becoming more prominent. Angrily, he pulled himself up from the sofa and faced me more clearly.

"You turn up, cause me problems. Make me care for you. Make me like you. Tell me bullshit lies. Then flat out ignore me? Nagito...you're low" he looked at me with the same look you'd give an insect; disgust.

"No!- I..." I cut in with sheer desperation.
"Save it...I'm done"

And with that he roughly brushed past me and left.


I looked over to the ticking clock above me, 3:48am. It's fine it's fine it's fine.
What did I expect? I'm here to kill Hinata after all. It's my fault for getting involved. I hate myself.

I couldn't kill Hinata in the first place. I might as well of killed myself.



[YES] [NO]




"What are you doing..!?" I looked over to my left with the familiar voice of Hinata looking down on me.
"Ah...Um" I rapidly hid my wrist and knife in which was in my left hand.
"Jesus! Nagito!" Without thought, Hinata ran to my aid, grabbing my wrist and I writhed in pain.
"Thank god you didn't cut deep..there's no blood" I felt his breath collapse a little in relief. I peeked towards my own wrist and the deep cuts that I had caused myself wasn't accompanied with blood.

I can't think straight, did I just try to kill myself ? Why is Hinata here? Didn't he hate me? Did I say no?

I flashed back towards Hinata whom was placing a cotton- like bandage, that he must of took from my cabinet, around my wrist.

"What was you thinking? You're such an idiot!" He hissed and pulled a lock of my curls in annoyance. I whined a little bit didn't respond. I tried to kill myself...such a meaningless death it would of been. I would of died in the company of nobody. Bleeding out...slowly.

Why aren't I bleeding?

"I'm surprised you didn't pass out from blood loss...you have a poor complexion to begin with" Hinata mumbled amongst himself as he tidied up his bandage work.

Yeah..me too.

Something's not right.
[SAVING . . .]


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