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I awoke to find myself in my own bed, I yawned sheepishly and pull the duvet off my body in annoyance. The cold hit me as I steadily stood up and allowed my feet to touch the floor.
"What time is it?" I rubbed my eyes and searched for the clock, my eyes widened to see the clock tell me that I was in fact now late for school.

"Shit! Shit shit!" I yelled as I quickly ran to my closet and pulled out the closet things to me. A plain white shirt with plain trousers with a plain tie. Just like me, plain. I grabbed my bag and bolted out of the door towards the direction of school.

I, of course locked the door.

"Good morning Hajime~~!" Ibuki yelled in excitement as I stood at the door of class-late. The teacher scorned me fiercely with eyes that told me; 'you have no excuse, sit down and shut up'.
I heaved and took my usual spot, a wavering feeling like I forgot something made me pat my pockets down in case it was true. To my surprise, everything that should of been there was.
"Now I hope you all did your homework, I know I gave you a short notice to finish it..but I expect the best from you all" the teacher sighed and ruffled her hair innocently. My eyes grew as I slammed my head on the table.
How could I forget my homework?! When did we even get it?!
I dreaded every step the teacher took as she got closer and closer towards my desk. My eyes wandered over to the empty seat next to me, somehow remembering someone always being sat next to me. I scratched my cheek in frustration and pouted my lips.
I whipped around to see Sonya smiling at me warmly.
"Yeah? What's up?" I replied.
"Today I have a student council meeting so I can't sit with you, I'm sorry" she frowned a little and I cocked my head. I turned around back to facing the board and rested my head on my hand.

Since when did I sit with Sonya?


I playfully skipped towards the toilet, humming amongst myself when I saw the doors to the men's toilets. A couple of boys in a group came out of the toilets in a rather loud manner as I continued to hum.
"Paha, what the hell Komaeda? Are you gay or something?" One of the boys chuckled and the others joined in too as they passed me. I hurried to the toilets and stood by the sink. My mind in a scene of pandemonium. I looked up to see my reflection, a tired-looking, scrawny and disgusting thing looking back at me.
"Why did they say that..? The thing with Hinata must of got around the whole school..so why did they say that?" I mumbled and began to dig my nails into my palm. Perhaps they were joking? But they were too genuine?
When I got rid of the problem there was consequences? How would that work? She didn't start the rumour...did she?

I slumped down to the floor, confusion hitting every inch of me as I tried to figure out the glitches involvement. If they started the rumour..what motive would that give them? Who was that glitch? How did it get in?


I flinched on the spot and hesitantly looked up, Hinata looking at me with a perplexed look on his face.
"What are you doing on the floor? Are you hurt?" He asked a little concerned. I looked back down to the floor, noticing little patterns in the tiles as my heart thumped in pain.
"H-Hinata..was there ever any rumour about you..?" I gulped and looked up weakly. He looked like he was in thought for a moment then shrugged.
"No? Why would you ask something like that? You're weird Nagito" he laughed and washed his hands with a gleeful smile.

"Yeah..I'm weird, can we spend dinner together?" I falsely smiled as he shrugged for the second time.
"Sure" he wiped his hands on his trousers and lended one out to me, awaiting me to take it. I waited a few moments before grabbing it and feeling myself being pulled up. Hinata yawned and looked in the mirror a couple of times, checking himself out I'm guessing.
"Yo, Nagito--"

"I love you"

My cheeks flushed red as I clasped my hands over my mouth in regret. Did I just say that? Oh god. He'll hate me!
Hinata looked at me, confused and shocked. His face tinted a little red.

"W..what?" He replied and instantly looked away. My heart stopped as I cowardly thought of a excuse.

"I-I meant I love your tie.." I whispered and Hinata's eyes widened. The tension became thicker as Hinata looked down.


W-what. What? WHAT?

Nagito looked down and refused eye contact with me. My heart thumped every second it was silent, I was afraid he'd be able to hear my heart heavily thumping.

I don't want to admit it, but I was a little happy when he said that. It was like my heart was drowning in disbelief.

"I-I meant I love your tie.."


I laughed awkwardly and scratched the back on my neck. Nagito took a step back, I knew he would try dashing off so I unknowingly held onto his jacket sleeve.

"H-Hinata..?" He questioned, well I mean I was questioning my actions myself to be honest.
"I-I knew you'd probably try running off s-so I grabbed your arm haha.." I replied.
I watched his face turn from embarrassed to relieved to a little sad. I mean, I feel a little sorry for him. He's had to go through divorced parents, living alone and everything.
A part of me wanted to embrace him a little, to give him warmth that no one did. I didn't want his body to grow cold and immune to love or any type of affection.
I gulped and pulled his sleeve until he was in my arms. My face reddening every second he was inches away from me.
"H-Hinata? W-what's wrong?!" He pulled a little but I squeezed tighter.
Nagito's body was so cold, I felt like I could touch it and it'd lose life. His body was almost like a corpses..cold..lonely..worn out.

I pulled away from the hug, unable to face the boy in front on me head on. I've been weird ever since he came to this school. Ever since I had those dreams. Nagito looked at me and I finally looked back at him, god forbid if anyone came in the toilets.

Nagito smiled a little, thanking me through his expression.
"Hinata.." he whispered as I let my hand wander over to his hair, I pulled my fingers through it and grinned in surprise to how soft it was. My eyes flickered over to his lips and his slight smile.

I didn't want this to happen.

I leaned in a little closer, until I could feel his breath on mine.
I pressed my lips against his, his eyes widened in surprise but soon he dropped his hands to his side. I don't know what came over me but I tugged a little on his hair when he rested his hands around me. He gasped in defeat as I quickly pulled away, utterly embarrassed.

"I..I have to go...get my homework...from English.." I mumbled and bolted out of the door like there was no tomorrow.
I don't know what come over me!

I mean, even since Nagito showed up I've been finding myself question everything..

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