A typical, outgoing scenario

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Hey gays it's been a while since I last uploaded, not that I'm an important person and my fanfic is a flop sorry ): thank you for all the support and 400 reads!! I'm so grateful! Xox


I stood there, my hand clasped over my mouth. D-did that just happen? Was it a dream? My imagination? An accident?
"Yo! Komaeda what you doing there like you've seen a ghost?" A familiar voice entered the bathroom and patted my shoulder. I turned around to see Kazuichi beaming at me with his toothy grin.
"I-I'm fine..Just feeling a little anaemic.." I replied quietly and rested my hands on the sink before turning on a tap and splashing my face. How am I supposed to face Hinata? Did he accidentally trip onto me?

Trash like me can't be in love with Hinata.

"Something's definitely up, tell me" Kazuichi's voice now a little lower, causing me to flinch a little. Before I could reply he grabbed my wrist and tightened it.
"What are you doing?" I yelled and retreated from his grip. Heavily breathing as he stared me down with a scowl.
This wasn't kazuichi.
Before I could think of what to do the bell suddenly rang and the stifled laughter of boys entering the toilet made me barge past Kazuichi and dash off.

I'll have to take care of him later, I need to speak to Hinata..


what the- what did I do?! Why did I do something like that?!
I ran into the classroom, the students beginning to take their places and chattering. I quickly took my seat and dropped my head on the table, unable to comprehend how stupid I am.
I..I can't believe I kissed Nagito. Why would I do something so- so-..

"Hinata? May I sit?"

"Huh? Oh sure" I quietly resigned, their voice finally hitting me as to who it was. "Nagito?!" I slammed my hands on the table, so fast I swear I got whiplash. The class looked back at me with questioning stares as the person who sat next to me burst into hysterical laughter.
"Sorry I'm not Komaeda!" Kazuichi covered his face and kept on laughing. I grumbled in embarrassment and collapsed in my seat as the teacher came in.

"Tell me, Hajime. Why do you wear such plain clothes. You have a good face so why not compliment it with some stylish clothes?" Akane grabbed my cheeks and inspected my face once more before pushing me in annoyance.
"I really don't want to hear that coming from you!" I hissed and took a sip of my coke.
Me, Akane, Sonia, Kazuichi and Gundam were all hanging out at some old park down from school. It had been a while since we all spoke..we all kind of got caught up in our own world. Mine, unfortunately including the whole situation with Nagito.
"Hey, should we go back to my place? We can invite more people!" Kazuichi yawned and pulled out his phone and began furiously texting god knows who.
"Your place? I don't feel safe uwa~" Gundam squirmed in discomfort and we all burst out laughing. "Gross!" He yelled "if you're so into men maybe you should go hook up with Nagito!" Kazuichi cocked his eyebrow and my heart thumped.
"Ehh? Nagito is gay?!" Sonia yelled in disbelief as everyone began to burst out laughing.
"Don't be r-ridiculous" I pointed to Kazuichi in aggravation. I can't really say anything though..I can't account for myself.
I mean- I kissed Nagito.

"E-eh? What are you all doing here..?" Nagito suddenly appeared from the distance with a perplexed expression.
"Nagito! Why are you here?"
He looked at everyone for a bit, then stared at me. His frown now dropping to a scowl. I quickly turned my head, avoiding any eye contact necessary.
"Well, who cares? Who wants to come back to mine?" Kazuichi playfully jumped off the jungle gym and slumped his left arm around Nagito's neck. Everyone complained a little but In the end agreed and made their way to Kazuichi's.

Nagito kept staring at me. The gleeful atmosphere contrasting with his pale eyes that spoke;
'We have to talk'
I ignored it, and carried on laughing with the others. I wasn't in the right mind set when I kissed him- he looked pitiful, alone. It wasn't my fault!
"Yo! Hinata! Come help me carry some food up" Kazuichi stood up, stretching with a yawn. I sighed and pushed myself up.

"Don't you think Komaeda is acting a bit weird?" Kazuichi asked whilst pouring out some confectionary into a plastic bowl. My hand flinched and I found the bag of sweets I had in my hand now on the floor.
"Aw come on man!" He clicked his tongue as I dashed to pick them up.

"Do you think it's true he's gay?"
"W-what do you mean?" I mumbled.

"I don't know, he freaks me out though. What if he is gay? Maybe he likes you! Gross-" Kazuichi burst out laughing as a overwhelming feeling of regret leaked into my consciousness. I froze on the floor, a little aggravation overcoming me.
"I-I don't think he's gay-" i began but the clinking of shoes made me instantly shut up. I didn't even need to look up to know who it was..the brown shoes were enough.
"Please don't speak of me in such a manner.." he began as he stopped right in front of me. I hesitantly looked up, the scowl from before even more callous.
"Nagito- I-"

"Lay off, man. It was a joke!~come on let's go back up" Kazuichi replied with furrowed brows as he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the stairs..

"Don't mind if I join in, right?" The front door swung open and TeruTeru stood there, his left arm occupied with a carton of alcohol.

"Sure! Thanks for coming- and for bringing what I asked!"


I rubbed my eye as the sunlight hit my face, pulling the silk covers over me. I warily opened my eyes, Intaking the cold air that hit my torso- wait. When did I take my shirt off?
Why does my head keep thumping? I feel like shit.
I slumped back onto the fluffy pillow, wincing at the throbbing. I didn't even check the time, I don't care.
Finally, I urged the nerve to move onto my side. Breathing in and out as the pain from my head worsened.
"Come on man.." I heaved as I flopped my hand over to the other side of the bed, my bed got bigger?
The size of the bed no longer worried me as a smooth, flesh like surface was what I hit. My mind panicked and raced.
"D-did...Did I lose my virginity..?!" I finally had the courage to open my eyes and Snow White locks came into my view.

"Oh what the fu-"

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