Someone who is gone, someone who is always there

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Information is beginning to leak guys! Stay tuned xoxox


Drinks began to pass around and the decrease in speech only meant that we were becoming intoxicated. I avoided any sip of the dangerous beverage and instead confided in orange juice.
"Why are you here, Komaeda?" Kazuichi suddenly asked as I took a sip of my orange. I waited a moment, perhaps prolonging the conversation.
"You asked me to be here- right?" I finally answered with a beam on my face.

"Well, I thought it's time we discuss something..important" he swiftly stood up and urged me to follow. I looked at everyone else, who seemed to of passed out to a degree.
He led me to a unknown room, filled with library shelves and a big desk to fit the stereotypical image.
"I think you can drop this kazuichi act, I am getting irritated by it" I nonchalantly stated as I took a seat.
"Shut up..just, read this" he quickly snapped back.
He rummaged through a lot of files in his wooden desk for a while before handing me a cardboard-like material that read the sole words;


I sighed, looking up at the boy.
"I know of this project, I know depth of it. Why do you think I'm here?" I attempted to toss it to the side but Kazuichi gripped onto my wrist.
"Read the file, Komaeda. You may think you know what is going on but you know NOTHING" he hissed in the back of my ear like a plagued taboo subject. I gulped.

"Before I read it. May I ask who you are?" Kazuichi clicked his tongue. The prolonging silence.
"I'm nothing but a glitch in this stupid game. You're out here for a reason, right?" He turned my way.
Of course I knew why I was here. I looked down towards my clammy palms that constantly faded in colour due to the temperature drop. I smiled sincerely and looked back at Kazuichi.

"Yes...I'm here to formally destroy Izuru Kamukura..or Hajime Hinata..."

"You would go against your own feelings for them people won't you..despicable. I should kill you right now!" A gust of wind rushed towards me as I now felt a sharp edge on my neck- Kazuichi holding a knife. I could admit I was terrified for a moment, I was frightened of my own crude fate.
"If you would like to kill me, please do so. But my luck will probably prevent any type of misfortune or fortune raining down upon me. I'm here assigned by higher people. Even if...even if Izuru Kam- no. Hajime Hinata was my former lover..I..I..-"
Kazuichi bitterly chuckled.
"Why are you doing this to yourself..? Why are you not realising they are abusing you? wake up, Komaeda.."
"Wake up..."

"KOMAEDA I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DONT WAKE UP" I felt a force hit me awake as I quickly sat up in shock.
"Nnn....who are you and why are you robbing me? I have nothin-"

"It's me! Hinata you moron..! N-now..EXPLAIN WHY I AM IN THIS SITUATION..!" I blankly stared at the red-faced boy as he inched away from me.
I rubbed my head in desperation of not to seem perverse to Hinata.
"You was drunk, You forgot where you lived and I didn't trust Kazuichi.." I heaved out of the duvet-the cold making me retreat back.
"O-oh..then why don't I have a shirt on, huh?!" He pushed me like a child.
"Ah! Because you threw up all over it and ME when I carried you home.." I irked and slipped on some cheap slippers I bought a couple weeks prior. Hinata stayed silent, not daring to move an inch.
"I didn't touch you, nothing happened" I assured once more whilst grabbing some jeans and throwing them on quickly.
Dare I say I was embarrassed to wake up to a shirtless Hinata? He looked so innocent when he rubbed his eyes warily. Shaking off the thought, I ran my hands through my hair and peered towards the window.

I have to destroy Izuru why does Hinata have to die too? I don't want him to die.
I love him.
He loves me...
or he loved me.

"Hey...Nagito..about what happened in that bathroom-" Hinata began. I instantly caught on and flushed red. "well..I-it was some sort of accident s-so I'm sorry.." he squeaked at me, his arms covering his embarrassed face.


I hesitantly looked up to Nagito, embarrassment still visible on my face. He smiled sincerely at me as he worked his way into a clean shirt.
"Can we talk?" He added on with a emphasis on 'we'. I sighed, unable to give out a right answer other then a muffled "hmmm"
"What do we need to talk about?" I analysed Nagito's bedroom that was a plain beige with a big structure. He did mention his parents were rich, I guess.

"Well, how did you meet Kazuichi and everyone else? Like Sonia" he randomly took a seat close to me, making me shudder a little.
"Huh? Such a question. We met through our old schools, we all became friends by simply being innocent and naïve, why?" My eye brow furrowed and I glanced at Nagito. Who seemed to of been in thought.
"Do you remember a Chiaki?"
My mind froze. I couldn't breathe.

Chiaki whom? Where is this Chiaki? What are they? Why are they making my heart feel heavy?
I clasped for air and held on tight to my chest, my eyes widening each breath that attempted to wheeze out of my mouth.
"Ch...Chiaki..?" I muttered under a raspy voice.
"Yes. Hinata. You knew Chiaki very well...

She's dead"


"You fucking idiot! What gave you the right to give out information that could potentially faulter to their favour?!" Kazuichi pushed me into a wall, the pain eradicating from my mind into my shoulder.
" claim to be on the future foundations side...yet you shamelessly work in despairs favour?! Who's side are you on Nagito Komaeda? Despair? Hope?-"

"Shut up..I do everything for a reason. We couldn't agree that Chiaki Nanami's existence was bad nor good. I did what I had to do!" I yelled in dispute, the echoing bouncing from wall to wall as if my mistakes were repeating themselves.

" need to destroy Hinata.." Kazuichi placed a hand on my shoulder. An unwavering feeling inside of me causing anxiety to flood.
"No..I need to destroy Izuru could of got anyone to do it B-but you chose me"
The grip tightened. I hollowly pushed the hand away from me.
"You forget, Nagito Komaeda. You caused the remembrance. You're the one who pushed his memories from the island. We got him to forget! You-"
I slumped to the floor, ignoring his flinch. I looked down, then up. To see the glitched Kazuichi slowly become patched. I watched him slip between my fingers as the pixels faded.
" think they'd patch me.." were his last words.

"I...Don't want to hurt someone I love..I don't want to be alone. I don't want to kill the only person who taught me how to smile without feeling scared of causing another misfortune!.."

I don't want to kill part of me..

I don't want to die..

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