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So because I'm at a hard time at school, I'm struggling and I love all of my readers for endorsing my ideas and I'm so fucking sorry for never uploading. I lost pride with this work and wished to just scrap it all.

You all deserve a polished story and I can't give you it I'm sorryyyyyyyy

I promise to make more stories, but first, this despairing deserves a finish !!

The last thing Nagito remembered was the cold, fleeting feeling of blood leaving his left wrist as though he had placed his hand in a freezer. He didn't have the strength to attempt to give it warmth.


"Are we going to talk about why you tried to kill yourself?" A sudden voice ejected into my train of thought and caused me to flinch a little. I sighed, exploring Hinata's unreadable expression.
"I need time to tell you everything...but I will soon" I muttered with a deep tone. My room was now filled with a void feeling of uncertainty. Hinata wasn't the type to accept things so easily.
"Does it have something to do"

My head snapped at his direction on the word 'us'. Was he really admitting that there's something? Anything? Even a shred of hope of some form of love? I couldn't hide the creeping smile that became evident on my face and I guess Hinata saw it too.
"D-Don't get me mistaken you idiot..! I'm just..." he started "conflicted..". I nodded in agreement, the smile still somehow residing on my face.
My smile quickly dissipated once I saw the trickling of Hinata's tears dropping on his hands in a steady rhythm. He sniffled a little, then wiped his eyes in an attempt to soothe the puffy eyes that glazed over before me.
The boy before me, the one I love, attempted to swab away any negative feelings I gave him.

I couldn't do it.
I couldn't lie to this boy anymore

The air once again became a thick smoke of poison that none of us dared to breathe in. I saw his tears dry up and his lips part in a attempt to say something, but I interjected

"I'll tell you everything you want...anything" I mustered under the silence. Hinata spun around to look at me with a weak smile I know I had caused. I'm going to fix this...I'm going to fix Hinata..

"Nagito...before anything...who are you?"



Finally some answers.

I braved myself for the impact Nagito's words will hit me with. I was ready for anything he was going to say- no more gullible bullshit.
Nagito interrupted my thoughts with a awkward cough to tell me he was going to start. I prepared.

"Well, see. I'm not the Nagito of this events in life...I'm more of...the one from before the Uprising" he looked half-heartedly and I nodded to continue.
"Um..the ones who look after Japan, No, the world...the Future Foundation sent me into the past. Well, by sent...I mean they captured me and bargained with me..."
"Captured..?" I asked, almost whispered. "They're a big brand, anything about 'capturing' would be plastered all over the news. People would be out searching for you" I hesitantly places my hand on his good wrist and squeezed it a little, trying to grasp onto the small figure that eyes weren't comprehending what I was saying.
"Don't make me laugh. I'm nothing. Nobody. Not even worth the time for anyone to care for...everyone shunned me....well except you. I met you years before, all part of a twisted game to mercilessly kill off one another. And-and...I overcame despair! All this goddam stupid lead of events of meeting you under shit circumstances and"
"-now what..?"


Have you ever seen them documentaries of murderers who couldn't even remember what crime they had committed? Like a spell of amnesia, or ignorance, overwhelmed they're putrid brains?
Good, keep that thought in your mind


"Hinata...I'm so, so sorry. I love you so much. I caused all this. I shouldn't of spoken to you after the tragedy. I failed you, so much. I-"

"What?! What Nagito?!" I yelled a squeezed his hand all more tighter until I felt it wriggle in pain.

"I have to kill you...!"

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