Chapter 35

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Erikas POV

Tessa would not even talk to me, I knew that she needed to get her mind off Chance. I decided that one night this week we would go out, like to a party or something. Obviously I would bring Jake with me, but Tessa will need to keep her mind off Chance.

Erika-"Tessa, can I come in?"

Tessa-"Sure Rik."

She opens the door and looks at me with her red, puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks.

Erika-"in a few days we are going out, to a party or something, and your going to forget all about you know who."

Tessa nodded and wiped her eyes. My heart broke as I watched her melt into tears. I hugged her, that's all I could do.

On my way out of Tessa's room, I peered through the crack of the ratchets door. I saw Chance with his face in his hand sobbing. They were both heartbroken, I wasn't sure what to do. He broke Tessa, but he also broke himself.

Chances POV

It had been three days and I have not left my room. I ruined my life, Tessa was my world. I heard Jake walk into my room.

Jake-" Bro, can we talk?"

Chance-"Um sure I guess."

I bit my lip and tears fell from my eyes. Jake embraced me in a hug and we stood there awkwardly.

Jake-"When are you going to vlog again... it's been like a week since you have posted."

Chance-"I don't know man, Tessa was my world and I really screwed up. Big time. I loved her Jake, and I had to be stupid and ruin the best thing that has ever happened to me."

Jake-"You know what, its fine, just take your time."

Tessa's POV

Today rik came into my room and forced me to take a shower. She did my makeup, and flat ironed my hair. Erika took me out to lunch and then when we returned home all of my emotions came back.

Erika-"Hey, how about we go to the club tonight and have fun!"

Tessa-"I guess, it might help me stop thinking about..... Chance "

When I said his name I burst into tears. I couldn't take it anymore. I needed to forget.

Later that night....

Erika, Jake, and I walked Into the club and we all started to drink. There was one guy who kept staring at me, and before I knew it we were against the wall making out.

Jason-"Wanna go back to your place and pick up where we left off?"

I smiled and grabbed his hand. We called an Uber and before I knew it I was walking into the team ten house. Chance was crying in the couch, but when he saw me he jumped up.

Chances POV

Chance-"Tessa can we talk?"

Tessa shook her head and lead some guy upstairs. I began to cry, running to my rom I heard screams. Really Tessa?!?

Thanks so much for reading my story! I really hope you liked it! If you enjoyed it hit that vote button! I will be updating at least once a day. By the way I can't believe my story has over 2,000 reads! I never thought that many people would like my writing...

Thanks again

- the author

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