Sequel chapter two

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The next day... Tessa's pov

I woke up and looked in the mirror. Hunter was at Erika's parents house with Andrew and Madi, I was all alone besides for toner who is most likely off with Megan somewhere. Today Erika and the rest of team ten are coming back from Coachella. I hate to ruin this for them but I need someone right now.

I looked out the window and saw chances stuff still on the lawn, Yup he defiantly slept with that b****. Once again tears fell down my face as I tried to wipe them away. This would be easier if I actually hated him... but no. I love Chance but I can't because he clearly doesn't love me! Just then I got a FaceTime call from Erika's mom.


Tessa-"Hey lil dude."

Erika mom-"Hey Tess. Erika told me what happened and I'm so sorry but I have to bring hunter back home early. I have a meeting in Ohio and need to be there quick."

Tessa-"Don't worry it's fine. Thanks for watching him, I really needed time to myself last night."

Hunter-"Mommy! Is daddy there! Hi daddy?!"

Tessa-"Hunter daddy's not here right now."

Hunter-"Oh bye!"

I hung up and threw my phone against the wall leaving a dent. I'm now a single mom great. I lost the love of my life and wow... my life sucks. I went online and made a doctors appointment and scheduled it for 4 o'clock. I then walked down the steps and sat on the counter, in a ball crying.


I looked up and Chance stood before me, out faces inches apart.

"Go get your stuff and leave Chance. We're over don't you understand that🚫!"

"No I don't Tess. I love you and I'm sorry I was drunk. Just please give me a second chance."

"We're way past second chances here. Now look I'm not telling hunter what you did because I know what it's like to not have a real Dad, just a step dad. And you if all people should know that, your dad left when you were a baby. So I don't know why went through you head but get out! I don't want to see you- I can't see you! Please just go."

Chance looked at me with his eyes filled with regret and sorrow. He leaned in towards me and our lips were less then a half inch apart. It was up to me to close the gap.

I can't do this Chance. I whispered, blinking back tears.

Yes you can. He said back closing the gap between us. Our lips hit and I felt like things were right but they weren't.
Chance picked me up against the wall and I stopped him.

"Get out chance." 


"GET OUT AND DONT COME BACK! Kisses won't fix us..."

Chance slowly walked out the front door and I knew that this would be hard. I just needed him to leave and not come back. A minute later the door opened and hunter walked in with Andrew and madi, along with Rik's mom.

Hunter-"Is daddy Home! I want to show him that I can play paintball on my iPad with mr teddy!(mr.teddy is a plush brown bear that Chance got hunter when he turned a month old)"

Tessa-"Hunter we need to talk later. And thanks for watching him."

Erika mom-"No problem I'll
Take madi and Andrew upstairs and have them play so you two can talk. Good luck t."

I picked hunter up and a tear rolled down my face. He looked just like Chance...

Hunter-"where daddy?!"

Tessa-"Daddy's not here anymore. He's not coming home either."


Tessa-"I know it will be hard. But daddy left. I'm sorry."

I couldn't stop myself and a tear rolled down my face. Hunter started to sniffle and I wished Chance was here, well and that he never went out. I need a way to cheer up hunter... oh I know

Tessa-"Hunter guess what!"

Hunter-"Yeah *sniffle*"

Tessa-"I'm going to have a baby! And your going to be a big brother!"

Hunter-"Yeah!!! Oh yay! Mr. Bear! I'm going to be a big brother! Wait is it a girl or a boy.?! I want a brother! Mr.Bear and I want a boy!"

Tessa-"I'll tell you today after I go the doctors."

Hunter went running upstairs to the playroom and I slumped back in the couch. If it's another boy and looks like Chance I think I'm going to lose my mind... At least hunter took that well...

The front door opened once agin and in walked Erika, Jake and the Rest If team ten. The pulled me into  a hug and I filled them in on everything, minus the part where we kissed. I told them I wanted to be alone and that they should wake me up at four because I had a doctors appointment....

💜Chessa💜- The love will last forever Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt