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Tessa's POV

I really wanted to trust him. I loved him so much...

Chance-"Please Tessa! I'm not even looking at other girls!"

Tessa-"Chance, the last relationship I was in I cheated on, and so were you. I need to know, can I really trust you?"

Chance-"Yes! You can, I swear on my life!"

I sat down on the bed and looked up. My eyes met his and I got lost in the blue/green color. He bit his lip and moved closer to me. Our foreheads were touching, leaving our lips less than an inch apart. I placed my hands on his shoulders and pulled him closer. Our lips met and I knew I could trust him...

Tessa-"Chance, not now, people are down stairs."

I patted his chest and laughed.

Chance-"Wait Tessa... what are we?"

Tessa-"Honestly, I don't know. But just don't say anything until we figure it out. By the way, you need to vlog again, it's been like 2 weeks!"

I walked down stairs and let Chance change in the room I was staying in. Today we would be moving back into the team ten house since we can film there again! I took Tristan's blender and made two servings of smoothie, one for me and one for Chance. As I was putting in the last bit of strawberries, Chance walked down stairs.

Chance-"What's poppin?"

He winked.

Tessa-"Oh nothing, just making a smoothie. You want some?"

Chance-"Yeah! Thanks."

Emilio-"Hey Tessa can I talk to you for a minute?"

Tessa-"Umm sure Chance, do you mind leaving?"

Chance walked upstairs and I looked at Emilio.

Emilio-"I am really sorry about kissing you! It's just hard to control my feeling for such a beautiful girl like you. I really like you, and I know you just got out of a breakup. But I have always had a crush on you!"

Tessa-"Emilio, that's really sweet and all but I don't think I'm really looking to have another relationship with someone in team 10. Chance and you are bros and I don't want to ruin that. I'm sorry but I do t feel the same way..."

Chances POV

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Emilio won't stop, will he? I stoped myself from going out their and instead walked back down the stairs.

Chance-"You guys done?"

Tessa nodded quickly and I felt tension in the air. She pored me a glass of smoothie and we sat down at the table.

💜Chessa💜- The love will last forever Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang