Child of the Chosen One

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Chapter One

"I'm pregnant."

I watch as my beaming husband jumps to his feet and hurries over to grab me in his arms.

"Oh Cat! This is wonderful! How long have you known?" He whispers in my ear, squeezing me tightly as he places kisses down my neck and on my left shoulder.

"About two weeks now." I tell everyone. All members of the two packs are cheering at the promise of a new addition.

Drew pulls away to give me a confused expression. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want people to assume I was marrying you because we are going to have a baby." I shoot an accusing glare at my sister, River. She has been certain this whole time we were getting married due to the fact I was pregnant. She just could not prove the fact that I was indeed pregnant.

"This is wonderful!" River shouts, clapping her hands. Liam wraps his arms around her and places a sweet kiss to her forehead. I watch with intense eyes, wondering when their time will come.

"I'm so happy for you, honey." I turn my head towards the man who is confidently walking toward me with his shoulders back and his chin up.

"Thank you, Daddy." I whisper, moving out of Drew's embrace to hug my father.

When he steps back, we both look over at my mother and sport the same expression. Confusion. She should be jumping off the walls right now. Instead she looks horrified.

"Mom? What's wrong?" I ask. She shakes her head as if to get out of a trance. She throws a look at Jimmy, the Kimerling's pack doctor, before she puts on a false smile and stands up.

"Nothing dear." She comes over and places a kiss on my cheek. "I'm happy for you both."

"Something was wrong with my mother." I whisper as I slip out of my dress. Drew comes up behind me and places his hands on my hips and his mouth to my neck.

"Our mother may have been taken by surprise." He says gently, running his hands up and down my arms softly.

Our mother. We're married. We have the same mother.

After my announcement, Liam and River drove us to the airport for a surprise honeymoon. Well, a surprise for me. Drew had it all planned out.

After the four hour flight, we were landing in Cancun, Mexico. From the airport, we took a bus to a resort called Ocean Coral & Turquesa, the drive was short and the resort was absolutely beautiful.

It is all inclusive... free alcohol, free food. Drew says were staying a week and I can't help but believe that I am in heaven. The sound of the waves crashing on the shore is music to my ears. The warmth brings a smile to my face.

"Our mother..." I turn to face Drew and loop my arms around his neck. "I love you, my husband."

"As I love you, my beautiful wife." Drew leans down and presses a soft kiss to my lips and I hum with delight. "You should have told me." Drew kneels in front of me and places his hands to my belly. He gazes up at me as he gives my stomach a kiss. "I can't wait to meet you, my sweet baby."

I run my fingers through his hair and smile down at him. I can't believe this is happening. I am married to the sweetest person alive and am having a baby with him. He has made me the happiest woman on Earth.

"Boy or girl?" I ask in gentle voice, closing my eyes and he feathers my belly with more kisses.

"Either is perfect, my love. We shall have both in due time." He stands and places a kiss to my forehead. "We will have seven beautiful children." He turns and walks away.

"Seven?" I question with raised eyebrows, following him with my eyes as he takes off all his clothes aside from a pair of black boxer briefs. I lean against the wall and cross my arms under my strapless bra that is very uncomfortable. However, I am displaying my authority and am not about to waver due to comfort.

"Yes, is there a problem with that?" He asks, turning to look at me. I drink in his body, his defined abs and his sculpted pectorals. I follow this line of hair that disappears under his briefs and then take in his muscular thighs and force myself to hold back a groan. Being pregnant leaves me hormonal and needy for my mate.

My eyes go up to meet his green ones and remember what we are discussing. "Well since they will be popping out of my body, I feel I have a say in how many we have." I shrug and push off the wall to walk over to him.

His eyes follow me, turning dark with desire and love. "How many would my lovely wife like?"

"Three. Like my mother."





"Alright, fine. Four. Let's negotiate this." Drew grabs my waist and pulls me flush against his chest.

Stay strong.


"Why are you so hung up on three?" He asks and reach around me to unhook my bra.

"Three is a good number for a family. Can't have too many, they may gang up on each other." I smile and loop my arms around his neck.

"Hmm. Well, whatever you you want, my bride." He lowers his head to place a kiss to my lips.

If I wasn't already pregnant, then I surly would have been after the night we spent.

"Do you really want seven kids?" I ask, tilting my head back to look up at him.

We are currently walking on the beach under the hot sun, wrapped in each other's arms.

Drew chuckles and places a kiss to my head. "Sweetheart, I am happy with one child. We can have one or twenty. All I want it to have a family with you, no matter how big it is." My cheeks flush and I smile down at the sand. He is perfect.

"We will have more than one, I promise."

"Whatever you desire." With that, he untangles himself and takes off into the ocean, diving under the warm salt water.

I walk out to join him, pinning my hair up on the top of my head. Salt water makes my hair knotty, more so than the average person.

"I want to make you happy." I say, coming face to face with him. Drew places his hands in my hips and smiles down at me.

"You already make me the happiest person alive."

"How about four? I can see four children. Three boys and one girl. Her brothers will be very protective of her." Drew laughs and kisses my forehead.

"Catherine. Let's discuss this after we have our first child. Who knows, we may be awful parents and hate kids. One may be enough." I slap Drew on the arm and laugh.

"I will be an amazing mother." I say, crossing my arms and looking out at the ocean. It is truly a beauty.

I will be an amazing mother. I will do the very best, I can to raise this baby in a loving environment and it will have everything it wants.

No matter what, I will love my baby. Nothing can take my love for it away. No matter what it does.

I close my eyes and tilt my head up to the sun. The moon goddess has graced me with a child and I will never take this gift for granted. Drew and I will have the perfect child and we will always  be happy.

Hi everyone!!! It's back!!! Ahhhhh!

I really hope you enjoyed the first chapter! More is to come!!!! The amazing cover is done by Nathans_sloth!!

Thank you all so much! I love you all and will talk to you soon!

Please comment and vote! and enjoy!


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