Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

Emily's POV

I wake to the sun singing in through the blinds, landing directly on my eyes. I scrunch my eyelids close, trying to lessen the light, yet it doesn't help. I let out a groan in annoyance as I roll over so the sun is beating down on my bare back. My face is pressed up against a warm surface and I let out a purr in pleasure as it feels right to be next to him.

His arm is placed under my head, putting all pillows to shame, as his hand is on my bicep. From first glance, you couldn't tell he was holding tightly onto me, but even in his sleep, his muscles are tight, refusing to let me go. I put a hand on his exposed chest and draw circles on his flesh. My eyes stay closed as exhaustion takes over me. I want nothing more to go back to sleep, yet my body seems wide awake.

I press my face into his side, right below his armpit and the movement had him pull me impossibly closer to him. I let out a grunt in discomfort as my nose becomes squished and is on the verge of breaking. "Sam." I whisper, pushing on his hip to create space between us. "Sam, you're hurting me." My voice breaks as tears well up in my eyes. It soon becomes hard to breathe and I let out a cry.

He releases me, moving so he is sitting up. He looks down at me with raised eyebrows. "What?" He asks, running a hand through his disheveled hair. I watch in awe as the muscles cords in his arm tightens with the simple action. My stomach twists and flutters with the simple movement. When he looks at me again, his eyes widen. "Oh my god!" I become scared as he grabs my jaw and tilts my head from side to side, looking at me with complete shock.

"What?" I question, reaching up to touch my face. He snatches my hand and shakes his head.

"No. No, you're beautiful Emily." He tells me, looking as if he really meant it. I scoff. It wasn't true, I wasn't beautiful. How could I be with this horrendous scar on my face. The only reason people look t me is because they are disgusted with such an unfortunate face.

"Please, we both know that isn't true." I push away from him, climbing out of bed. I try to forget the fact that I am stark naked as I head towards the bathroom, I ignore Samuel's growl of desire as I shut the door and start the shower. I wait for it to get warm before I hop in and moan at the feel of the warmth running down my back and enveloping me.

I clean myself thoroughly, though I know I will never be able to get Samuel's scent off of me. Since he marked me and we are mated as one, I will always have his scent on me. Everyone will know I am his and that I am off limits.

Are you there? I call towards my wolf.

I am here. She says, her voice rich with strength and power. I let out a happy sigh, closing my eyes as a smile stretches across my face. I will be forever grateful that Samuel helped me save my wolf. We're mated, now. She says.

Yes, we are. I had to do something to keep you alive. I tell her.

I told you not to. I told you that everything would have been alright. I roll my eyes. How could it have been alright if she died and I stayed, weak and pathetic? It was a sacrafice I was willing to take to save her. I'm not sure if it changed everyting with Samuel and I, but I wasn't planning to have sex with him again anytime soon.

I step out of the shower, grabbing a towel off the towel rack adjacent from the shower, wrapping it around my body. I walk to the sink, looking at the fogged up mirror as I grab my hair to squeeze out the water. I throw it up into a quick bun and reach over to brush the fog off the mirror. As I look into it, seeing the flawless face that stares back at me, I let out a scream.

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