Chapter Twenty Seven

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Chapter Twenty Seven

It was all a strong sense of deja vu. The loss of a child, the big hole in my heart, the silence from Samuel and the endless looks of sympathy from my pack mates. I didn't want their sympathy. I didn't want them to feel sorry for me. It wouldn't help with the fact that I remain childless. 

After losing Jennifer, I decided it would be best to end it. To end all the heartbreak and the pain. So I started taking birth control pills... Not that I need them. Samuel hasn't been with me since I got pregnant with Jennifer. Now, he has this hatred within him and I feel that this time, he won't be able to move on. He blames in all on himself and every time he looks at me, I can see the guilt swimming in his eyes. 

I didn't blame him. Not even for a second. Jennifer's death was my fault. I should have gotten rid of that demon the first opportunity I got. Now I have to live with constant 'what if's' floating around in my head. 

I walk to Samuel's office, pushing the door open and walking in to see him sitting at his desk. He glanced up at me before his head ducked back down. He continues writing on some sort of document as I shut the door and walk over to take a seat on the couch. I watch him with lazy eyes, taking in his movements. 

This is usually what our days contained of. Every morning, we would get up and eat breakfast. I would help around the house while he goes to his office. Later, I join him and we sit in silence as he works until around eleven at night. We then retire for the night and repeat the next morning. Some days we skip the other two meals of the day, or Catherine will bring in some food for us. 

We hardly leave the comfort of the office unless to go to bed or to use the bathroom. We have both found solitude in the confinement. 

"I was thinking we should go for a run." I whisper. Samuel doesn't look up from his work. I wring my hands and stand up. "My wolf is itching to come out. So I am going to go run." I take a step back, biting my bottom lip. Once I realize he isn't going to join me or bid goodbye, I turn on my heel and exit the room. 

I hurry out of the house and head towards the woods where I shift into my grey wolf. Once my wolf is out, I allow her to take control, taking us away from the pack house. Typically, Samuel would have someone run with me or ensure that I don't leave the territory. But recently, he doesn't seem to care for my well being. 

So I run without borders or boundaries. I run until my heart is nearly beating out of my chest and I can barely breathe. I slow to a walk and look around to see unfamiliar surroundings. As I turn to head back the way I came to find the Colorado territory, I catch a scent that has me freeze. I stop dead in my tracks and look around as my wolf lets out a growl.

That's not possible. I whisper. I spin and continue my initial route, heading farther away from my home as I get closer to the Rose Pack. 

The Rose Pack is a small pack that consists of around twenty members. It posed no threat to the Colorado Pack so they never made a move to remove them. The Rose Pack was typically consumed with peace, but recently an Alpha from a murdered pack came to fight for the alpha position. Killing the old Alpha, he then decided it was wise to slaughter the one's closest to him. He then killed the Beta and his family. 

My father was the Beta of Rose Pack and after losing his brother and nephew to a mad man, he tried to save us by leading us from the falling pack. In our pursuit, my family was killed by trusted warriors of the Alpha. 

Or so I thought they were all killed... 

As I come to the Rose Pack, I stare at the familiar building that stands tall. Children play in the yard, kicking a soccer ball and wrestling. I see a few women sitting on the patio, drinking what looks like wine. I scrunch my eyebrows together. Everyone seems so happy. How could they be when they have such an evil Alpha?

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