Chapter Twenty Eight

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Chapter Twenty Eight

Because she is my sister!

Samuel squints at me, looking as if he didn't believe me. You said your sister was killed with your parents. He was right. I did say that. Because I truly believed that she had died that day. I look over my shoulder to see her shooting daggers at Samuel.

She was a Luna. She was powerful and strong. She wasn't going to cower from him.

I wondered where he mate was during all of this. What is he doing that he isn't coming to her aid? Samuel was here within minutes and we live miles away.

I can't help the smile that plays on my lips as I think of Samuel hurrying to save me from distress. Even though we had been awkward and quiet around each other, he still would risk his life for me.

Samuel watches me, quirking a wolfy eyebrow at me as all these thoughts swim in my mind. I then trot over to rub my face into his neck. Will you not stand down? Even if I wish it? He nips at my shoulder, sending shivers down my spine. I feel the hairs on my back stand up as I let out a low moan.

What do you propose we do?




"How are you still alive?"

After having a mental argument with Samuel about shifting to our human forms, which I of course won, we borrowed clothes that Megan provided us. We now stand in the same spot, deciding it would be best to keep away from the Rose Pack's house.

I embraced my sister for what seemed to be a few seconds, but by the clearing of my mates throat, I knew it was a couple of minutes. I couldn't help the tears that welled in my eyes as I stared at her. She was so beautiful. Within this long year she has grown to be such a beautiful young lady. Her milky brown hair is rests on her shoulders, curling at the end. Her hazel eyes are striking and I can tell they are filled with happiness.

"How are you still alive?!" She grabs my hands, looking me over. "I saw it all. I saw what those vile men did to you. I went to go help but I couldn't. My wolf kept me from going to help you. I later realized it was her trying to unite us with our mate. And I see you've done the same..." Her eyes flicker over to Samuel and I smile as I walk over to loop my arm through his.

"This is Samuel Blackwood." I watch as her eyes widen with horror. She takes him in, measuring his height and his muscular arms. Yes, he could break her in a matter of seconds. And she knows it too. She has heard all the tales about Samuel Blackwood.

Samuel holds out his hand to her, his lips twitching at the end. "It's nice to meet you." She nods stupidly as she shakes her hand. I grin, resting my head on Samuel's arm. He was so warm, it nearly melted me.

Suddenly Megan booms and she grabs my hand. "Oh, Em! There's someone you need to see!" She rips me from Samuel's grasp and I gasp, looking back to see him follow after. He keeps a short distance between us, his eyes scanning for any sign of danger. Blake maintains his place at his side.

Just as we're about to get halfway to the house, she stops and I look to see him walk out the back door. He looks around, searching for Megan. She must have mind linked him.

I feel my heart accelerate as tears roll down my face. "No..." I break away from Megan and make a full dash. It doesn't take long for him to realize who I am before he is running towards me as well. I leap into his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck as he catches me with ease.

"You're alive." He whispers, grabbing the back of my head to keep me in his embrace. When he pulls back, he grabs my face and gazes down at me with watery eyes. "I thought you were dead."

I shake my head, brushing my tears away with the heel of my hand. "I thought you were dead." I repeat after him. He smiles, gathering me in his arms again. "I've missed you Brady."

A low growl pulls us apart and I look over to see Samuel stalking over. He grabs me by the wrist and pulls me away. I gasp at the pain that shoots up my arm. "Ow! Sam, stop it!" He pushes me behind him as he glares at Brady.

"You dare touch my mate?!" He snarls. My eyes widen in recognition. Of course Samuel wouldn't know who Brady is to me...

"No, Sam stop!" I plea, pulling on his arm. Brady looks at me for a moment before stepping away from us. "Sam, listen to me, please!" I step in front of him, pushing on his chest. He growls down at me, his eyes dark with anger.

Today has seriously been a tough day for him. Maybe he should kill something...

"Brady is my cousin. Okay? He is my cousin as in we're blood related and there is no," I give another hard shove to his chest, "affection towards each other!" Samuel pulls his eyebrows together, looking down at me as if to see if I'm telling to truth.

Why does he keep second guessing me? I wouldn't lie to him.

"You're Alpha Fell's boy?" Yes, my uncle was the Alpha and my father's brother. He was the Alpha who got slaughtered. But why was Brady kept alive?

Brady nodded his head, looking at me in question. "How are you alive?" I ask him.

"I saved him." Megan says, walking over to join us. "My mate is Matthew, the son of Alpha Michelson. I threatened him, saying that if he didn't save Brady then there will be no sex. Ever." I slap my hands over my ears and let out a moan.

"I really didn't need to hear that!" I groan. Megan laughs and I can't help but smile at her. I can tell she is happy. I am glad that she has found love, even if it is with the son of the devil. It doesn't matter though. I fell in love with a man believed to be a monster. But he is nothing of the sort. He was only a troubled man who was able to find himself by finding love. "Where is this Matthew?" I ask, looking at both Megan and Brady.

"He's out doing Alpha business. You guys are welcome to stay if you want. Matthew is Alpha now. His father is no threat to you." I smile, looking over at Samuel. He gives me a short shake of the head, his eyes holding caution.

"I just found her, Sam. I'm not ready to say goodbye. You can come home if you wish, but I would like to stay a couple of days." I bite my bottom lip, hoping he doesn't argue with me on this one. I know I would be able to persuade him. But honestly, I am tired of disagreeing with him.

Samuel turns to Blake. Go home. You're in charge while we're away. Blake spins on his heel and morphs, heading for home while Samuel walks over to throw his arm around my shoulder. "I will not spend one night with out you. Not again." I give him a sad smile as he leans forward to press his face into my neck. "Plus, I am not comfortable leaving you here."

Rolling my eyes, we head inside where we will spend the next few days catching up on lost time.

The picture on the side is Megan

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