Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty 

After losing my baby, I was nothing but a wreck. I understood that the vile being inside Samuel's head had killed my little baby and I didn't understand how. What kind of power is this, that he can slaughter someone that isn't even born. That isn't exposed. 

Samuel promised me we would try again. And we did. Two more times. And every time, On the fifth week, the baby would be lost and I would feel the pain all over again. 

You will have no heir. Those words keep ringing in my ears, reminding me that it is hopeless. That I will never be a mother, that I will never have a family. I will watch Ilene raise her child and instead of loving it as an Aunt - what she insists I will be called- I will hate it as a jealous woman. 

I curl up in my bed after losing my third child, wanting to hide from every sympathetic look from my pack-mates. I appreciate their condolences, but it doesn't help bring my babies back. The line of Blackwood will end with Samuel and there is nothing I can do about it. 

Samuel climbs into be behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "It's going to be okay, Em. I will find a way to end this. We just have to keep trying." 

Samuel has been trying to contacts the voice in his head, but it only comes when it kills our child, reminding us that we will never be parents. Samuel has grown frustrated, not liking the idea of having no power over the voice. He has lived his life with so much control over everything, that when he needs his control the most, it doesn't help. 

"No. We won't." I whisper. Samuel grabs my chin gently and turns it to face him. 

"Don't say that, Emily. We can't give up." 

"I will not kill another child, Samuel. I can't take it any longer. It is killing me." I growl out, giving him a cold glare. He takes a deep breath and looks up at the ceiling. 

"I'll find a way..." He whispers, trying to sound confident. I scoff, shaking my head. 

I sit up and turn to face him, glaring down at his beautiful face. However, his handsomeness doesn't dull my anger. "This is all your fault, Samuel! You should have pushed that voice away when you had the chance! You never should have let it grow so powerful! Because of you, I will never be a mother." 

"Emily. I'm sorry. I didn't think this was possible. I didn't think I would find a mate, that I would ever be put in this position." He says, bowing his head. I raise my eyebrows, crossing my arms. Samuel peeks up into my eyes and lets out a sigh. "When I was a child, I was given a choice, Emily. A horrible choice. I was never supposed to be born, Em. And because I was, there has to be a balance. I was told I had to choose between having the first born child of every family in my pack be killed or to never be a father. I was just a boy. I was raised by my mother, who puts everyone else's needs before her own. I thought I was making the right decision. I didn't think I would ever have a mate!" Tears gather in his eyes as he sits up, dropping his head into his hands. 

My eyes widen with his words as I stare at him with so much anger and disgust. Not at him. At the guy who had put my Sam in that kind of position. And with all my anger, I said something that I knew I shouldn't have said. "I wish you weren't my mate." 

Samuel looks at me with eyes that portray betrayal and anguish. He stares at me as tears fall down his cheeks, his hair disheveled. He resembled a sickly person. And then, just as if he were a light switch, his face turns to stone and he sits up straight. 

Samuel, we must talk. I hear Drew say into Samuel's head. I watch as Samuel gets to his feet and gives me a cold glare. 

"I never wanted to hurt you, Emily. You are free to leave. I will not stop you this time." With that, Samuel storms out of the room. What have I done? I didn't mean that; he can't possibly believe that I meant it. I love Samuel, with all my heart. He is all I have left. 

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