Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

Emily's POV

I am awoken by Samuel rolling out of bed. I can't help myself but reach for him, letting out a soft whine. I feel his fingers interlace with mine and a soft kiss to my forehead. "It's okay, baby. I'm going to go speak with my father. Go back to sleep." He gives me another kiss and then takes leave. I peel open my eyes to see his back exiting the room. 

Ilene? I call, blocking my mind from Samuel, just as I have been since last night. He cannot know I am pregnant. He will despise the child and maybe even myself for letting it happen. No, He can't know the child ever existed. 

What is wrong? She asks with urgency, sensing my distressed tone. 

Please come. I beg. She doesn't respond, but I know she is on her way. I sit up in the bed and hug Samuels' pillow to me, pressing my chin into it as I try to keep the tears at bay. 

The bedroom door opens and closes and Ilene is now sitting in front of me. She reaches over and grabs my hand, giving it a squeeze. "What is wrong?" She whispers. I lift my eyes to stare at her worried expression. 

"How did Blake take to your pregnancy?" Sure, I know he came over to Samuel with a freak out, but what was his reaction afterward. Was he happy, angry, scared? 

Ilene seems to think about it as she places her free hand on her nearly flat belly. There is a small baby bump for being a month pregnant; it is hardly noticeable. "He was taken by surprise... but he was happy." She shrugs, a smile playing on the corners of her lips. I nod and let out a deep breath. "Why? Are you and Samuel expecting?" She asks. 

I give her another nod and she lets out a squeal, wrapping her arms around me. 

"That's wonderful! What does Samuel think?! I'm sure he is thrilled!" She cheers, her smile wide now. I shake my head. 

"No. Samuel doesn't know. But he doesn't want children. He has made it perfectly clear." I tell her. All the excitement and joy in the room deflates and it turns silent and still. 

"Well, when he hears you are pregnant, he will be excited. He has to be, it's his child, Emily." Ilene says, trying to find reason. I only give her a shake of my head. "You have to tell him soon, Em." She tells me. 

"No. Sam will never know." 

Ilene doesn't say anything until she finally understands what it is I want. "You don't mean..." I nod. "Emily, that is a mistake! That is your child, made out of love. Your love for Samuel and his love for you. Do not throw this child away. Samuel will love it, I know he will." 

"My decision has been made." I mutter. 

"At least tell Samuel. Please."

"Ilene. I asked you to come so you could help me with the pack doctor. I don't know him well and I was hoping you could set up an appointment." I stare at her as tears roll down her cheeks. She stares at me with this hurt that I don't understand. It's not her child she is giving up. 



"Today, jeez, Emily! You are not even thinking clearly!" Ilene argues. I turn my head away from her, telling her that the discussion is over. She lets out a scoff and gets to her feet. "I'll let you know what he says." She leaves without another word. As soon as the door is shut, I fall to my side and let out a sob. I grab the pillow and place it over my face to muffle the screams of agony. 

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