Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Samuel's POV

Nine years later

"Come on, dude! Kammy throws the best parties, you have to come." Blake, my second in command says, draping an arm around my shoulder. I have a deep scowl on my face. I hate when people touch me. Blake knows that better than anyone, yet he still acts as if we are best mates.

I guess in a way, we are. I don't have friends. I don't like anyone. But people are friends with me. They're too scared of me to be anything less than close to me. Blake, however, is someone I can tolerate the most. So yeah, I guess we can consider ourselves best friends.

"I don't like parties." I grumble, walking towards the pack house.

Once I turned eighteen years old, the pack was handed down to me. My father is nothing like my grandfather. He didn't seek a fight, to see if I could overthrow him. I'm not sure if it's because he knew I'd beat his ass, or if it was because he believed I was ready.

It has been said, that my mother and father fell out of love because of me. That I caused a rift to come up between them. All they have for each other now is possesiveness. My mother is a gentle creature and my father is loving and enduring, howeverI have caused destruction towards my father. And quite frankly, I don't give a damn about it. Mates are a waste of time and energy. Why should I have to go to the end of the world to make someone else happy-when I'm not even happy myself.

I don't remember the last time I was happy. I remember having a high, having an adrenaline rush when I break something or even kill something. However, that is about it. I haven't genuinely smiled or laughed. My heart is black and made of stone. I care for no one, not even myself.

"Yeah, but think about all the hot chicks that will be there." Blake is mated. And he loves her like a fool. Though he never ceases to try to hook me up with someone, just so I could feel. He doesn't know that I can see right through him and his plans. I know that he is earnest in trying to get me to be a better person. Maybe that's the job of a best friend or Beta... but it's never going to work.

"I don't care." Yes, I am still a virgin. Women don't interest me. Sure, they can be good to look at, but I have no desire to please them, even if it pleases me.

"Fine. Then are we going for another boundry run?" He asks, his mood deflated. I smirk to myself. It feels good to make others suffer. I shrug my shoulders.

"Yeah, sure." I grumble.

We walk into the living room and I see Anthony sitting on the couch, watching TV with Sarah next to him. Anthony is seventeen, a year younger than me and his sister is nine years old. If anyone was capable of making me smile, it would be that little spit fire. She is so annoyingly cute... Sometimes I just wish she was dead.

"Afternoon, Alpha." Anthony nods. I give him a nod and Sarah lets out a squeal as she runs over grab my hand.

"Sammy! I have something to show you!" She cheers. I growl and shake her off my hand, stepping away from her.

"Leave me alone." I sneer down at her. Her smile and twinkling eyes don't falter as she stares up at me with such joy and carelessness. I feel sick to my stomach that someone could always be so happy.

"Samuel." I look up to see my mother walking down the stairs. She gives me a smile and I nod my head. Correction: my mother is the only person on this earth that I care for. But I never let that show. I may care for her, but her pain brings me more joy than her happiness.


"Hello, Mrs. Blackwood! Sam and I were just about to go for a run! Care to join us?" Blake questions. My mother gives a half hearted smile but shakes her head. She doesn't like to leave the house. She stays in her room most of the time, away from my father.

"Have fun, boys." I interally scoff. Fun, she says. Not possible, mother.

Blake and I head out the back door where we take form of our wolves. My coat is midnight black while Blake's is a dusty brown. We are both about the same size; Beta's usually have larger wolves.

Blake wasn't born into this pack. Instead, he moved here a rogue and I decided to allow him into my pack when I saw him slaughter a few wolves that were attacking him. He is skilled in battle and that is something I could always use.

We run the perimeter of the pack for nearly an hour and when it is time to head back, I hear a soft whimpering. My ears twitch at the sound and I marvel in the suffering a she-wolf is going through. I trot towards the sound, wanting nothing more than to lay eyes on the creature.

Don't hurt her. Blake pleas as he keeps pace with me. I ignore him, coming to a halt when I see a naked girl laying on the ground, curled up in a ball. Her hair is a tangled mess with leaves embeded within and I can't help but notice the dark bruises covering her body. I let out a growl, not understanding my rage.

The girl crys, her head jerk upward to lay eyes on me. And in that instant, I let out a curse as I shake my head.

Damn the Moon Goddess. She has delivered me a mate.

Emily's POV

They grope me, fingers digging into the flesh at my thighs and my arms. I lay there, tears rolling down my cheeks as they pin me down and discard all my clothes.

My family lies dead just a few feet from my body and I see no reason to fight them. My life is practically over and there is nothing left for me to live for. I have no mate, no family, no future. I might as well die now.

I pray to the Moon Goddess to take me, to help me get out of this situation. I never wanted to die before meeting my mate. I wanted to know what love was before perishing. But I see now that that is not the case.

Once the disgusting pigs are done with me, they leave me to die. They tell me that even though I was a good 'bang', I'm too close to death to bother bringing to their pack. So they leave me there to die, waiting for the ground to open up and swallow me whole.

But that time never comes and my wolf stirs within me, telling me to keep going, not to give up. I let out a moan as I roll onto my stomach and start crawling away from the graveyard around me. I look at my mother as she lays still, tears rolling down my cheeks. "I love you so much, Mama." I close my eyes and feebly crawl away.

I get about one hundred feet away before I collapse with exhaustion. I lay, tired and weak as my wolf retreated to the depths of my mind. I am too weak to bring her back and she isn't strong enough to stay. I have lost connection with her.

I curl up into a ball, ignoring the aches in my womb and my spine. I let out a whimper in pain.

I tuck my head under my arms as I hear foot steps. Have they come back? To kill me and take me away from my suffering? I promise to give good words to the Moon Goddess about their mercy. Just take me away.

I hear a deep growl and I let out a cry, jerking my head up to see and dusty brown wolf and pitch black Alpha standing over me. I stare at them with fear as they take a step towards me and finally, everything goes black.




I rub my cheek into the soft fabric under my head, reveling in the feel of being warm and comforted. I pull the comforter over my shoulders and snuggled into the bed, ignoring the pain in my shoulders and back.

I could not ignore, however, the presence of someone standing over me. I open my eyes to see a tall, dark man staring down at me. Who is he? Where am I?

"What is your name?" He asks me. I wonder if I should tell him... what's the worst that could happen? I'm nearly dead already.

"E-emily." I whisper. "What is your name?" I ask. He lets out a deep growl and I shrink away from him.

"I ask the questions here. Not you!" He snaps. I fear that I have not ended up in a much safer place than before.

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