Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

"So? How was it?!"

Drew and I stayed at the resort for a week, just as planned. Everything was perfect. The service was wonderful, everyone was very friendly and welcoming. The food was delicious. And the whole free alcohol thing was amazing. I can't count how many margaritas I had.

Every morning, before the sun was rising, we would go down to the beach and run. Since we couldn't shift while there, we had to exhaust ourselves while human.

Then we would grab a cabana and spend the day on the beach.

It was paradise.

River was the first at the door with a beaming smile as she jumps up and down.

"It was wonderful!" I call out to her as we grab our bags. Liam hurries over to help, telling me pregnant women shouldn't carry luggage. I laugh and shake my head.

Drew places a kiss to my head and leads us inside. I wrap my arms around my sister and we follow our mates.

"Welcome home!" Marie and Mrs. Blackwood call, bringing Drew and myself into their arms. I've missed them so much, especially little Marie. She is such a gentle, sweet girl.

It's nice to be home again.

"Did you guys have a nice trip?" My mother in law asks, taking us to the living room where Drew and I sit on the couch.

"It was great. It was so beautiful." Drew says.

"I'm glad to hear it. Everyone has missed you two." Mrs. Blackwood says. she turns her head to look at me. "Your parents and brother wanted to be here when you arrived home, but there was an urgent matter back at the Kimerling pack." I feel my back straighten as my muscles tense at the sounds of danger.

"Is everyone alright?" I question. "What happened?"

"Nothing to freak out about, Cat. Just a few mindless rogues trying to take the pack while the Alphas were gone." River says, rolling her eyes. I relax, knowing very well that rogues pose little threat towards my father and his pack.

"So how's the little guy? Still kicking?" River walks over and sits on the other side of me. We all knew the baby couldn't kick yet, but we understood her.

"He's great." Drew says.

"He? How do you know it's a he?" Liam questions. I smile up at him and shrug.

"We don't. We want a boy, however." Well, I want a boy. I want a carbon copy of my beautiful Drew, running around and stealing everyone's hearts.




Four months later




"Mom, I haven't seen you in four months. Why won't you talk to me?" I ask. My parents and brother are over for a visit and to see how the child and I are fairing. However, my mother refuses to talk to me. Even look at me. However, when she does, she seems disgusted.

"I have nothing to say." She mutters. We are currently in my room with the door shut. It took a lot of effort to get her in here, I'm not leaving until I get some answers.

"What's wrong? Why won't you speak to me?" I absentmindedly lay a hand in my enlarged belly and my mother follows my movements. Her lip curls back with disgust and looks away. "Is it because I'm pregnant?" I ask, my voice cracking. That can't possibly be the reason that my mother refuses to have anything to do with me. She's always wanted to be a grandmother; to have a little baby to be with and then hand it off when it got fussy. She always told me that's the best part of being a grandmother. It's like being a mom without having to change the diapers or feed it or clean up after it.

"No. I mean, kind of." She grumbles, shaking her head, her blue eyes lifting up to meet mine. I bite my bottom lip, cocking my head to the side. "Catherine, there is something about that baby that makes me feel uneasy."

"What? What do you mean? He isn't even born yet!" I argue, taking a step away from her. Who is she? She is not the mother I would call up at night and talk to for hours about my problems. She used to always be there for me and now she has turned against me.

"That baby is evil. It's cursed or something! The Moon Goddess has thrown us a curve ball, to balance out the way of life." She says, getting to her feet. My eyebrows come together.

"What would make you think something so absurd as that?!" I growl at her, frustrated and protective of my unborn child.

"Because Chosen's aren't allowed to have children, Cat! Every Chosen before you has been sterile. Jimmy told me this when you were young. I kept it from you and your father, because I didn't want it to keep you from living or change anything about you. Catherine, you're not supposed to be pregnant. You're supposed to be incapable of having a baby. So what do you think is could possibly mean, that you are standing before me with a child in your belly?" She grounds out, her eyes dark with anger.

"It means it's a miracle." I whisper, placing my hand over my stomach. If what she says is true, the Moon Goddess has yet again blessed this family. I refuse to look into it anymore than that.

"Huh. You naive little girl." She says, shaking her head. "You don't-"

"No! You don't know a thing about this baby or what is going to happen in the future. I will hear nothing more about this. If you can't be supportive and happy for Drew and myself, then I want you to get out of my house and not come back until you can be." I growl at her.

She lifts her chin high as I see tears gather in her eyes. What did she expect? That I was going to side with her and give up out baby?

My mother struts out of the bedroom and I follow close behind her, feeling sick at the lack of success. As we get downstairs to the others, she sulks past them and heads to the front door where she exits my house.

"What happened?" My father questions, voice accusing and sharp.

"She wants Drew and I to get rid of the baby. I told her to get out of my house." I tell him, meeting eyes with Drew. His upper lips curls up over his elongated fangs.

"Good God. I don't even know who that woman is anymore." My father comes over and places a kiss to my forehead. "I'm going to go talk with her." As he turns to leave, I grab his arm.

"Ask her what she has been keeping from you for many years." His eyebrows crease but says nothing else as he hurries after his mate.

Phoenix whistles and claps his hands. "This is awkward." He says. I look at him with raised eyebrows and shake my head.

"This is sick. I pray to go she never asks for you to give up your child, Nix. It's breaking my heart." His eyes soften as he looks down at my large belly and sighs.

"I'm sorry Cat."

Arms wrap around me from behind and warm hands are placed over my stomach. I lean back against him and hum in pleasure. "I can't believe you're mother would want such a thing." Drew whispers in my ear.

"It doesn't matter because it isn't going to happen. This baby is going to bring us nothing but happiness and if anyone has a problem with that, then they aren't allowed in his life."

Hi guys! I'm so sorry that it took me so long to write this chapter! But I hope you enjoy it, I have big plans for this book!!



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