Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four

Emily's POV

I wake up to a fuzzy head and an aching abdomen. My eyes are sensitive to the bright light shinning in through the window. My throat is dry and craving cold water. My knuckles crack as I clench my hands into fists and then release, trying to loosen my fingers. 

After a few minutes, I slowly open my eyes as they are now more adjusted to the harsh light. I place a hand to my stomach, seeking comfort through the touch of my child. But my stomach is flat and my child is no longer with me. I begin to panic as I remember what had happened. My baby was going to miscarry again and I was rushed to the infirmary. Did we get there in time? Is my child still alive?

I feel a presence in the room and I look to see Samuel rise from a chair in the corner of the room. As he walks with me with a blank expression, my heart races. All I want to do is throw my arms around him and kiss him until night comes. But I know he is not exactly happy with me at the moment. 

"Sam..." I say, hoping that he sees reason with everything. How did he find out? I have dibs that Ilene told him. "Just let me explain." Samuel doesn't wait for anymore words to leave my mouth as he reaches down and lifts me from the bed. I let out a moan at the soreness of my stomach as he presses me tight against him. 

"What the hell were you thinking?!" He growls in my ear. I wrap my arms around his waist, wanting him close. I understood why he was angry, I knew he was going to be. But I couldn't help but be blissfully happy to have him in my arms once more. 

"I've missed you." I whisper, ignoring his questions. I turn my head and place a kiss to the crook of his neck. "I've missed you so much." Tears well in my eyes. I am finally with the man that I love. He didn't cheat or fall into the demon's control.

I pull back to press my lips to his, grabbing onto the hair at the back of his neck. Samuel's fingers dig into my hips, pressing me closer. His tongue presses against my lips, lightly pushing its way through to collide with mine. I can't help the smile that is growing on my lips. I've missed his kiss.

"You're a father..." I look up at him, placing a hand on his cheek. He smile, pressing a kiss to the inside of my waist. 

"To a beautiful baby girl." He says. "What did you name her?" 

"Jennifer. Her name is Jennifer." Samuel grins widely. 

"Do you want to see her?" He asks. I nod and Samuel leads me out of the room, holding firmly onto my hand. His grips was so tight that I would be able to pry my hand away, even if I wanted to. I understood. We just reunited. I wouldn't want to let him out of my grasp either. 

When we get to Gabby and Phoenix's room, Samuel gives a soft knock before he pushes the door open. My eyes instantly fall on the crib where my baby is sleeping softly. 

Gabby rises from sitting on a rocking chair adjacent from the crib, hurrying over to give me a warm hug. "How are you feeling?" She asks. I nod my head, side stepping to gaze down at my dark hairs baby girl. She is dressed in pink footie pajamas. 

I reach down and gently pick her up, cradling her gently in my arms. Samuel stands behind me, looking over my shoulder as I lean down and kiss her forehead. "She's prefect." I whisper. "My sweet Jenny." 

"She has your eyes." Gabby says, speaking to me. I look up, frowning. I wanted her to have her fathers hazel eyes, not my blue ones. "She's beautiful, Emily. I am so happy for you." She walks over, placing a hand on my shoulder before she leaves the room. I gaze over at Samuel, smiling widely. 

"So what happened? Did she come early?" Samuel asks as I pass our baby over to him. He is gentle as he takes her in his arms, gazing at our girl as he falls in love with her. 

I shake my head, biting my bottom lip. "She was going to be a miscarry." Samuel looks up at me, scrunching his eyebrows together. "We had to have the procedure right away." Samuel leans over to press a kiss to my forehead.

"Next time, don't leave to have a child, Emily. I couldn't handle it. I thought you had left me." He places Jennifer back in her crib and I tilt my head to the side. Did Catherine not tell him everything? 

"How much do you know?" I ask. Samuel shrugs.

"Ilene just told me you left to have our child with the Kimerling pack." I let out a sigh. Clearly he doesn't know about the demon. 

"Samuel, what you have inside your head... It has the ability to  leave your body and enter another. With our last pregnancies, he had entered my body and killed our children. The only way to have Jennifer was to leave without knowing I was pregnant. If you were to find out, the... demon would kill her." I say, running a hand through my hair as I watch him process everything. His eyes turn dark as he starts to understand. Then he lets out a growl and spins to throw a punch at the wall. 

"Damn it!" He screams. My eyes widen as I flinch at the outburst. Jennifer lets out a cry. "He came. That it why you almost lost our child. He found out!" 

"What?" I ask, even though I fully heard him.

"I felt this relief and when I tried to contact him, he was gone. Completely gone. He's still gone!" He hollers, a vein on his forehead bulging as he walks over to look down at Jennifer. I shake my head as tears roll down my cheeks. No this can't be happening. Not my baby girl! 

"No." I look down at Jenny. "Please no." My eyes move to Samuel and I notice his cheeks are moist as well. He places his hands on the crib and hangs his head as sobs rake through him. 

"I am so sorry, baby. I am so sorry." I hurry over to him, wrapping my arms around his waist from behind. I place a kiss to him back, in between his shoulder blades. 

"We'll figure this out, Samuel. We'll find our a way to get through this. He will not take our girl from us." I promise, trying to convince myself just as much as I am him. He places a hand on one of my own, turning his head to look at me. 

I don't care what this demon is, I will find a way to kill it. I will not allow him to hurt my daughter the way he tortured my mate. Even if that means bringing the demon into my own body and eliminating him. 

As Catherine said, the only way to kill the demon is to kill the host. I will not let this thing corrupt my daughter. I will kill the demon, and I will have to die along with it. 

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