Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

Emily's POV

I will never be able to tell you why I have fallen for my mate. I don't know when it has happened or how. The first time I saw Samuel, I knew he was a monster. Not only because there were tales about him, but because of the way he looked at me, the way he spoke to me. Samuel scared me from then on.... until the moment I fell in love with him. And I do not know when that was. But there it is.

I am totally, completely, one hundred percent in love with Samuel Blackwood. And as scary as it may be, I want nothing more than to take his last name as my own. Emily Blackwood, not Emily Fell. 

"You seem happy." Blake sits at the kitchen counter as I flip a pancake. I look over at him, showing him the smile that has been on my face for the last couple of days. Ever since the Luna ceremony, I haven't been able to stop smiling. 

"I am. I really am." I flip another pancake. "Would you like one?" I ask him. Before he could answer, I put a pancake on a plate and hand it over to him. He lets out a laugh and I get the other pancake for myself, turning off the stove. I walk over to stand across from Blake with syrup in my hand. I cover my pancake with syrup and then puddle the sides of the pancakes for extra dipping. 

"Damn. That's alot of syrup." I laugh and lean forward, resting my elbows on the table as I take a bite of my soggy pancake. 

"It's delicious. Here, try." I cut him a piece and then turn the fork to him so I am feeding him like a child. He takes a bite and I watch as his eyes gleam. He lets out a moan and then laughs as he nods his head. "I told you." 

"That is actually really good." He says. 

I stare at Blake. He is the type of guy I saw myself marrying when I was a little girl. Someone who is open and outgoing. Someone who is always laughing and knows how to treat a girl. But being mated to Sam, I realize that I don't want that. I want someone who is just as broken as me, who struggles and when that moment comes, when we both smile and laugh, magic happens. That is what I want. 

"What is going on here?" I hear Samuel ask as he walks into the kitchen, his hair wet from a shower. I grin like a maniac as I cut another piece and then skip towards him with the fork pointed towards him. 

"Here, try this." He arches an eyebrow before he takes the pancake in his mouth. I watch as he offers me a smile as he swallows the delicious treat. "Good, right?" Samuel wraps his arms around me and presses a sticky, syrupy kiss to my lips. I kiss him back in earnest, running my hand through his hair. I hold tightly to the fork, not wanting to drop it with all the passion that is now stunning me. 

Someone clears their throat and I see Phoenix looking at us with a soft smile. "Alright love birds, I am off." Samuel walks over to give his uncle a firm handshake, a very manly goodbye. I, on the other hand, give him a hug. There was something different about Phoenix. I enjoy his company and wish he would stay with us. 

"Goodbye, little one." He says before he pulls away and gives Samuel a nod before he exits through the backyard. His mate and children had left earlier with Samuel's grandparents. Phoenix stayed behind to talk business with Samuel. And no matter how hard I pressed, Samuel refused to tell me what was going on. 

"He's the only one I like." Samuel mutters under his breath. I look up at him with a blank expression before I shake my head. Over the last few days, Samuel has been getting better. The voice hasn't returned since the Luna Ceremony and I know that however he acts now, is pure Samuel. So when he says he doesn't like his family, it hurts to know that it is the truth. 

I pull away to return to my pancake and Blake lets out a whistle as the sudden tense situation. "I'm going to go find a place to.... poo." He exits with much earnest and I look after him with raised eyebrows. Something is wrong with that kid. 

I eat my pancake, ignoring Samuel as he comes to walk behind me. "Emily..." 

"I would do anything to have my family back, Samuel. And all you seem to want is to be rid of them. Family is the only thing that is constant. Even mates aren't as permanent as family. I could die and you could find another. But you will never have another mother." I tell him, wiping away a lone tear that falls down my cheek with the back of my hand. 

"Don't talk like that, Emily. You're irreplaceable to me." He grabs me from behind, burying his face into the side of my neck. "Emily, you're all that matters to me. I am sorry that I do not love my family. But that is how I was trained to be. But I love you with every ounce of my being." I close my eyes, tilting my head from the side as he places a sweet kiss to my neck. "I love you and I never thought I would be able to love anyone. You have changed my life, Emily." 

"I love you too, Sam. You're all I have left." I turn to face him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Until we have children." I watch as his face drops at the mention of children and my heart stops cold. Please tell me this isn't true... "You don't want children?" 

I have always had this fantasy of having three kids. Two boys and a little girl. We would live in a separate building while the children are young, so I could devote all my time to being a mother. Samuel would teach his sons how to throw a baseball, how to spit and how to flirt with girls. But he doesn't want children.

"I never really thought about it. I don't consider myself a family guy." He tells me. I nod my head. 

"No, of course. That makes sense." I let out a tired breath and drop my hold from him, grabbing my now empty plate to toss it in the sink. It gives a loud clank and I tell myself to worry about the damage later. "I'm tired. I am going to take a nap." I reach up to place a kiss on his cheek before I step away from Samuel and go to head upstairs.

I curl up on our bed and bring the blankets up over my shoulders, wrapping my arms around my abdomen.

I love you, Emily. Samuel says to me.

I close my eyes as tears roll down my cheeks. Stupid Samuel. If you didn't want a baby, you should have used protection.

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