Chapter Twenty Nine

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Chapter Twenty Nine 

Samuel hasn't left my side since we entered the Rose's Pack House. It was all so familiar, it made me smile a bit that they didn't change many things. The atmosphere was so light and cheerful, it was shocking considering the massacre that happened only a year ago.

Megan was greatly appreciated and admired. Everyone greeted her and asked how her day was going. Megan would then introduce me. I remembered a lot of the people from our old pack. They must not have gotten away like I had. And apparently Megan as well...

After visiting the pack's doctor to put my arm in a temporary cast, we head up to the bedrooms.

"Your room has remained untouched." Megan swings open the door to my old room and I peek in, looking at the purple walls and the large white bed. The desk beside the door holds my old Mac laptop and I see my cell phone sitting next to it. I remember that I forgot to grab it during the ambush. I haven't had any use of one. Everyone I knew was within the Colorado Pack House. "I wouldn't allow anyone to come in." She confesses, a slight blush on her cheeks. 

I laugh and step in, pulling Samuel in with me. I looked around at the pictures on the walls, all the moments I shared with my family. "Are they your parents?" Samuel wraps an arm around my shoulder as we stand in front of a picture of my parents and their two daughters. Megan and I are in the middle while our mom is on my side and our father is beside Megan. I nod, feeling my throat close as I try to keep the tears at bay. "I'm sure they were lovely." I look over at him, a small smile on my lips. 

"They were." 

As we take leave of my room, I leave a mental note to grab some of my favorite clothes and my electronics. I can't believe I've lasted this long without sending one text. I guess it's not needed when all I have to do is to speak to Samuel through our link. He would be the only person I'd text.

Brady joins up with us with a hot dog in hand. I watch as he shoves it in his mouth, making his cheeks stretch as he reaches full capacity. I shake my head as he gives me a smile, showing me soggy bread and bits of meat. 

"Matthew is on his way." Megan says, bouncing a bit on her feet. I smile at the love she possess for this man. It was the first year and it is usually the easiest. Its all flowers and kisses. However, that's not how it was for Samuel and myself. We dealt with death and loss and separation. Our love is strong but we barely look at each other anymore. 

Samuel turns to look at me, his face fallen. He must have been inside my mind, for he looks at me with guilt. He needs to stop feeling so guilty. None of this was his fault.

I can tell he wants to say something but right now isn't the best time. Matthew is coming and I am going to meet my sisters mate. Megan loops her arm around mine and pulls me into the kitchen and living room. I laugh as I stand while she jumps around, wringing her hands together. "I don't know why I am so nervous." She huffs, running a hand through her hair. 

Samuel regains his position by my side as Brady takes the other. He bumps my shoulder. "She's finally Megan again." I turn to look at him and I go to ask what he meant by that but was interrupted by the door opening. Megan squeals and runs to throw her arms around Matthew. I watch as he grabs her and shoves her behind him. He lets out a low growl, his eyes searing into me. 

Samuel grabs my arm, pulling me close, shifting his body so he is partially in front of me. Brady stays put, crossing his arms with a look of amusement. 

"Are you the she-wolf who attacked my pack?" The Alpha snaps. My eyes widen as I watch him storm over. Samuel tenses, pushing me back a step.

"I would be mindful of your intentions, if I were you." Samuel says rather calmly. I can see him glaring at Matthew and he listens. Matthew comes to a stop, his eyes flickering between Samuel and me. 

"Matt, stop! She's my sister!" Megan grabs his arm, tugging on it. Matthew glances down at my sister, his eyebrow arched. "She didn't inflict any harm on Tyler, Ryan or Gabriel." Megan tries to explain and I watch Matthew stare down at her, listening to what she has to say. His arms loop around her waist and pull her close. 

Samuel slightly relaxes and step closer to him. 

"Tell me, why is Samuel Blackwood in our house?" A black haired boy asks, standing next to Matthew. I see the way he glares at me and I know he is the black wolf who attacked me. 

"He is Emily's mate, Ryan." Megan explains. 

"And you trust that monster with the children of the pack?" Ryan asks. I let out a growl and move to finish what he started earlier. I will wring his neck and tear out his tongue. 

Samuel grabs me, keeping me from pressing an attack. Ryan sneers at me while Megan gives him a shove. "Samuel is welcome here and he is able to stay as long as he likes!" Megan yells, creating a demand. I sense all the Rose's members freeze and the room falls quiet with her spoken authority. Ryan's anger doesn't subside as he nods his head.

"Yes, Luna." He then turns and walks back out the front door. 

Brady lets out a low whistle before clapping his hands. "Well that was awkward." I turn my attention to him, losing all sense of anger as I smile at his attempt to lighten to mood. 

"It's late. I'm retiring. Feel free to stay as long as you wish." Matthew says, placing a kiss to Megan's forehead. I watch him as he takes the stairs two at a time until he is out of sight. 

"Would you like to stay the night?" Megan asks, coming to stand in front of me. I see the beg in her eyes and even though I know we should get back to our own pack, I can't say no to her.

"We actually have to-"

"We'd love to." I cut off Samuel, smiling down at her. Megan claps her hands and then turns to the TV.

"Lets watch a movie."




After two hours of watching The Notebook, Samuel and I go up to bed. I give Megan and tight hug, telling her I'd see her in the morning. 

As we enter my old room, Samuel locks the door and discards his shirt and jeans. I eat him in, doing the same until we are both in our underwear. He grabs me but the waist and takes me to bed. I scarcely remember the softness of this bed as we wrap ourselves in each others arms. 

"I love you, Emily. I never stopped. If anything, I love you even more." Samuel places a hand on the side of my face, caressing my cheek and tucking a hair behind my ear. I gaze into his beautiful eyes, offering a soft smile. "I am sorry that I haven't been there for you. You lost a daughter as well and I shouldn't have been so cold. But hearing you call my name in utter fear... Emily, nothing else mattered. All that mattered was getting to you in time. Losing you is something I cannot bear!" 

Tears roll down my cheeks and I lean forward and place a kiss to his soft lips. He clutches me close, deepening the kiss as our tears mingle and provide a salty taste. "You are my life." He whispers against our lips. 

"I love you so much, Sam. So much." Samuel pulls back to look into my eyes once more. 

"Marry me." I feel my heart stop as his words sink in. Did he just say what I think he did? He can't possibly be serious... Marriage was never a second thought to Samuel. He didn't believe in it. Wolves these days hardly ever get married. It seems to be a human thing. 


"I want you to be mine in every way possible. Together we will become stronger and we will find away to defeat this. We will scour he world in search for a solution. Together. I... can't lose you again, Emily. Marry me." I can't help the ridiculous smile that spreads across my face as I lean in and kiss him with so much force. 


Matthew on the side

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