Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter Twenty Two

Tomorrow is Friday and Phoenix agreed to meet me halfway. He seemed hesitant about the whole plan, but I knew he wouldn't say no. As I've said, he is very fatherly and I don't think he could pass up the opportunity to help someone. 

As Friday grows closer, I feel myself dying within. My stomach churns uncomfortably; I want to puke my guts out. My heart aches with the looming future and all I want to do is cry and hold Samuel close to me. We weren't exactly as the best of terms. Even though we had a passionate night and created a baby with our love, he still seems pained with what I had said to him many days ago. 

Leaving with him thinking I don't want him only makes things worse. He will believe I have left to find someone else. Someone who can bring me a child. I want to tell him, more than anything, that I will be back. He is my mate and I will love him with all my heart until the day I die. 

It is around six o'clock at night when I go searching for Ilene and Blake. I know this is a horrible idea, but I need them o know, to help Catherine keep an eye on Samuel. He can't know the truth but I do not want him to slip into some sort of self loath and take his anger out on everyone else. I especially do not want him to seek out another woman. I know it wouldn't be a surprise... He'd believe I had gone to find another mate.... so why wouldn't he? 

Ilene and Blake are in their bedroom, as I have asked them to be. When I enter, I feel their attention on me. I close the door, being sure to lock it before I walk over to stand in front of them. I wring my fingers together as I try to find the best way to say this. "I'm pregnant." I watch as they both give me sympathetic expressions.

Of course, the only logical thought running through their mind right now is that I am going to lose another child. They have every right to believe that. "I am going to stay with Phoenix with the Kimerling Pack and I am going to have this baby." I tell them. Ilene's eyes grow wide as she looks at Blake, checking to see if he has the same reaction. He doesn't, his face is blank. 

"And I thought the abortion was a bad idea. Emily, you have to think about this! Do you know what Samuel will go through, waiting for you to come back?" I let out a sigh.

"Samuel cannot know about this baby. He can't know why I am leaving, or he will come looking for me. If he finds out, the baby will die and I will not let that happen. Please, I am entrusting you two. I need your help." I look up at Blake, softly pleading with my eyes. 

"We won't tell. And we will watch after Samuel." I give a soft smile, feeling reassured knowing I have them to help Catherine with Samuel. I give Blake a quick hug and then I give one to Ilene. 

"Thank you." 

I head for the door but before I leave, I turn to look over my shoulder. "Also, please make sure he doesn't go looking for another.... mate." I exit after that, shutting the door behind me.

I walk to Samuel's office, knowing that was where I would find him. I fear that when I am gone, he will forget about his duties to the pack, and that it will crumble. 

I don't knock, I just walk in. Samuel's head snaps up when he hears the door open and I watch as the alarm leaves his eyes as he notices it's me. He leans back in his chair and pushes himself a few feet away from his desk as I head over and slide onto his lap. I wrap my arms around him, needing to be in his embrace. Samuel loops his arms around my waist, drawing lazy circles on my lower back. I turn my face and press a kiss to the crook of his neck. Samuel lets out a moan. "I have to work, baby." As he says this, he pulls me closer, fisting my shirt into his hands.  

"I love you. With all my heart." I whisper in his ear. He hums in acceptance and I lean back to place a hand on his beautiful face. I trace his afternoon shadow, loving the way it prickles my fingertips. I always though Samuel looked exceptionally handsome with a beard. "Come to bed with me." Samuel looks around me at the clock. 

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