Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Emily's POV

I stand frozen as Samuel wraps his arms around me, holding me against his warm body as he presses his face into the crook of my neck. His soft, desperate whisper, "please", leaves my heart soaring and my head whirling.

He cares. My wolf says weakly and I try not to think of the fact that I am losing her. There has to be a way to save her. I need her.

Samuel pulls back, looking down at me for a brief second, giving me an apologetic look as he turns towards his parents. "What do we have to do to help her?" He asks, letting go of me and I feel awkward, standing there absent of his warmth. Catherine, Drew and Blake all look at each other, having this expression of sorrow and disgust.

I knew exactly what that meant and my heart dropped at the realization of what had to be done. I look over at my mate and bite my bottom lip to keep myself from saying something that would cause further issues. If this is what had to be done, then so be it.

"No." Samuel says. I am taken by surprise at this, as is everyone else in the room.

"Samuel, her wolf will die. If she dies, Emily will be nothing more than a human." Catherine says in a bare whisper. Samuel looks over at me and shakes his head, his eyes softening.

"I can't." My lips part with horror and anger. How dare he. He was willing to rape me, but when I am wanting it, he says no?! I glare at him.

"I hate you." I bite out, tears rolling down my cheeks as I turn to exit the room.

"Emily!" Drew calls after me, but I am nearly halfway down the stairs by the time his voice reaches my ears. I hurry towards my bedroom where I collapse on the bed in defeat and let out a pathetic sob.

I feel my wolf pace in my mind, her movement weak and pathetic. I know what is going to happen. I know that she will die and I will never have her presence again. I will never be able to go to her for guidance or protection. She is going to leave me and I will be nothing but a human.

It will be alright. She says in a soft voice. I shake my head, staring up at the ceiling as she lays down in the back of my mind. She is dying. You don't need me, Emily. You are a strong woman and everyone here will protect you.

Without you, the mate bond with Samuel will break. He will throw me out. I tell her, closing my eyes and focusing all my attention on her. I don't want to take this time for granted. It may be the last few words I say to her.

Samuel loves you. With or without me. She says. I let out a snort.

He doesn't love me. He's not capable of love.

Then why is he at the door? I sit up with a start, looking over to see Samuel standing in the doorway, giving me a pitiful look as he walks over to me.

"What do you want?" I snap at him. He doesn't respond, only sits by my feet on the bed. I watch his every movements, wondering what he was going to do to me.

"I will not take you, Emily." He says. I roll my eyes, biting the bottom of my lip. "No, listen. I will not take you when you do not love me. I will have your love and your affection when we join together. I will not have this be an act without some sort of passion. I want nothing more than to save your wolf, but I will never live with myself if you regret our joining for the rest of your life." I stare at him, not believing that what he just said was true. Just a few hours ago, he avoided all contact. Now he claims to want love and affection? He's playing with me. He has to be.

"Please." I beg, my voice cracking as I look at him with watery eyes.

"You don't believe me." He states. Of course I don't believe him. He is nothing but a monster, his heart with black and he wants nothing but to see others suffer. And that is exactly what he is doing. He is making me suffer.

"You're saying this to prolong our joining. And by the time you do decide to take me, it will be to late. You don't have a caring bone in your body, Samuel. If you did, you wouldn't be able to stand there and watch me suffer. I need her, Samuel. She is the only family I have left." I know it is useless to beg for him to do this kindness, but I will hate myself forever if I just give up and let her die. I have to do whatever it takes to save her.

Samuel gets to his feet and walks toward the bedroom window, his back facing me. "Please. Just be happy I'm allowing this. It may be the only opportunity you get...." I trail off, knowing immediately that it won't be the case. When I go in heat, I won't be able to get myself off of him.

However, Samuel seems to take what I say seriously as he turns to walk towards me with a stone-cold expression. My muscles tighten in alarm as he tears off his shirt and grabs my ankle, ripping me to him. I gasp as I lay in my back, watching as he hovers over me, placing his lips to mine. He becomes aggressive, making me squeal with discomfort. I try to push on his chest, telling him that he is hurting me.

Samuel places his hand under my shift and moves it upward towards my chest and I squirm, trying to get away from him. "I thought this was what you wanted." Samuel growls, pulling my shorts off. I gasp, trying to cover myself when my shirt soon follows. I shake my head frantically as he unbuckles his jeans and moves to lower them. Tears roll down my cheeks as I am taken back to the time and place I was raped.

'Mom, does he even know where we are going?' I ask my mom as I try to keep pace with my father as he races through the forest. She doesn't answer me, only grabs my wrist and pulls me onward. I moan with distaste, moving into a run.

Something isn't right, my wolf says to me. I grow tense as she says this. A wolf's instincts are always on point. I look around, wondering what could be out there... what we could be running from.

Before I could ask, everything turned to chaos. Screams filled the woods as wolves leaped out of the brush and attacked my family. They never had a chance to shift before they were slaughtered and I was laying on the cold forest floor with three men over me, tearing my clothes off. Before I could even react to them, they were inside me, in every way possible. I let out screams with pain and disgust as they had their way with me, not listening to my pleas to have them stop.

In the process, they would scratch me, claw at me, bruise me. I became so weak as they nearly killed me, choking me so no air could get to my lungs and I couldn't scream for help.

Once they were done, they left me there to die. And I wanted nothing more than to follow my family to the afterlife.

I watch as Samuel freezes, looking down at me with a look of sympathy and sorrow. "Emily. Look at me." I bring my eyes to his and he places a hand on my cheek. "It's going to be okay, my dear. I promise, I won't let anything bad happen to you ever again. You will never lose another loved one. Especially your wolf. And I promise, you will find nothing but ecstasy from our joining." He leans down to place a sweet, soft kiss to my lips that has my heart racing. I wrap an arm around his neck and pull him close.

I wasn't sure it it was because I wanted him, or if I wanted this to be over with. Either way, he got the message and gathered me in his arms.

Samuel was right. I felt nothing but pleasure. I loved every second of it. Even when he bit me to mark me as his.

After it was all over and he laid next to me, his arms wrapped tightly around me, I couldn't help but think that this monster was succeeding. He was making me fall in love with him.

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