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*Eunjoo's POV*

I walked to my fifth period with Haechan which we had together. And after that it was time for the class I've been waiting for all day. Dance. I walked in and it turns out all of NCT is in one dance class. The one I'm in.

We were given our assignment and it was a group assignment. Great. No one is going to work with the new girl. I was looking around the room and it seemed like everyone was already paired up, so I guess I'm going solo, or not.

"Want to be my partner?" Jeno asked as he walked over.

"But what about Haechan. You can't leave him all alone" I said. Why did I say that. I get the chance to work with my crush and I try to push him away.

"He'll be fine," He said giving me an eye smile. This makes my heart melt.

We worked up until the bell on our project and got a lot done. It was a lot of fun working with him and I could tell he was surprised by the fact that I'm a really good dancer. Not to brag or anything.

I went to my next period and I was struggling to make it through. It was so close to the end of the day and I couldn't wait to go home and tell my best friend every little good or bad detail about today.

The bell rang and I ran out to the parking lot but I couldn't find my sister's car. This is just great all I want to do is go home.

"Hey, Eunjoo!" Someone yelled not quite sure who it was until I was being shoved against the wall. It was Jihyun. I guess she isn't so nice after all.

"Eunjoo listen very carefully to me. You are to stay away from Jeno. He is mine," Jihyun says as she gets so close to my face that I could see every little pore. "Oh and by the way. What happened at lunch wasn't an accident. More stuff like that will happen if you don't leave my Jeno alone" She gave me one more hard shove and walked away.

I slid to the ground trying my hardest not to cry. I made an enemy already and it's only the first day of school. I could tell this year was going to be teribble. I eventually got up when I saw Seulgi's car pull up.

"How was school my little dance machine?" She asked.

"Um.... It was okay," I said holding back all the tears. I wanted to tell Seulgi but then she would go to the school and I don't want that to happen. So I'll keep it to myself for now. 

"See any cute boys you like?"

"Yeah there is this one, but he'll never like me back," I said as more tears slipped down my cheeks.

*Donghyuck's POV*

I made it back to the dorm and went straight to my room and changed my clothes for rehearsal.

On the way to rehearsal Mark asked us how our day went. And we just talked about school and such until we pulled up to our dance studio. We went inside and started stretching and getting ready.

"Hey Jeno and Haechan can come and talk to me real quick," Seulgi from Red Velvet was talking to me. Excuse my while I have a fanboy moment. I mean I know we see each other a lot because we are from the same company, but I still go into fanboy mode every time I see her. 

"What is it?" Jeno and I said in unison.

"I have a favor to ask. Can you please protect my sister Eunjoo. I am assuming you know her because from what I've seen you have most classes together. On the drive home she was crying and saying things she would never say." That's why she looked so familiar. She looked very similar to Seulgi.

"We can do that." I said as I gave a little smile. Now I had more of a reason to follow through with my plan.

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