You Never Walk Alone

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*Eunjoo's POV*

Of all the times I've said I don't want to go to school today I really meant it this time. I knew things were okay between Jeno and I but I felt like somehow everyone in school was going to find out what happened, but I got over it and went to school anyways.

In every class I sat as far away from Jeno as possible and at lunch I decided I would sit at an empty table by the trash cans because no one ever sits there. I also thought it was a good idea not to eat lunch today so I worked on my homework and out of the corner of my eye I saw a bright red headed boy.

"Can I sit here?" Haechan said giving me a smile. I don't know why he'd want to sit next to me and the trash cans.

"Sure" I smiled for the first time since the whole situation.

"I heard about what happened between you and Jeno and I'm sorry. I know how much you liked him" Of all things he decided to talk about. It had to be Jeno.

"It wasn't that obvious that I liked him was it and why would I be hurt if I didn't feel anything either?"

"It really was obvious. Anyways let's not talk about that," I was so glad he changed the subject.

We walked to our next period together and he abandoned Jeno to sit next to me. The period after that was dance and Jeno and I have our presentation today and as much as I was ready to get it over with, I didn't want to have to talk to Jeno because everything was awkward.

"You ready to do this thing?" He gave me a smile and for once it didn't melt my heart.

"Let's do it!" I said.

*Donghyuck's POV*

Eunjoo and Jeno's dancing was really great and then all the sudden Eunjoo's falling. So I ran to catch her before her head hit the floor and luckily I got there in time. Everyone came running after she landed in my arm.

She was unconscious so our teacher called 911. I asked if I could stay with her and surprisingly the answer was yes. When the ambulance came I rode in the back with her holding her hand until she opened her eyes and moved her hand from mine.

"W-Where am I?" She sounded so scared. I just wanted to lay down next to her and tell her everything was okay.

"You are in an ambulance. You fell while you were performing with Jeno,"

"Of course I did" She started crying. This broke my heart. She's been through quite a bit since she started going to this school and I wish it would all go away.

We arrived to the hospital shortly after she woke up and I had to wait in the lobby for her parents to come so I could tell them what room she was in. Once her parents got there I told them where she was and remained in a hidden waiting room for what felt like hours.

To my surprise Eunjoo's father walked over to me and said, "I'm assuming you are Haechan. Eunjoo has been asking to see you"

"Yes, My name is Lee Donghyuck" I said as I shook his hand.

"You look framilar. This may sound weird but you look like one of the boys on Eunjoo's posters." I giggled a little bit.

"Yeah that's me. I'm in a group called NCT" I gave a smile.

"Wow my daughter met you and she didn't tell us. Surprising. Anyways you can go back and visit with her if you'd like"

I walked into her room and I was greeted with a smile and a wave.

"How are you?" I asked.

"Better. Apparently not eating for 2 days is bad for your health when you are a dancer" I noticed she wasn't eating at lunch and I was to distracted trying to get her to like me that I didn't say anything and now she's in the hospital.

"That's not good at all,"

"I know I was just so worried and paranoid that I didn't want to eat, Anyways thank you so much for staying by my side. And thank you for saving me from a head injury. I heard you were a real hero."

"I wouldn't say I was a hero but you're welcome. How about you repay me by becoming my friend," I knew she couldn't turn me down now.

"Of course. I thought we were already friends."

"In that case I promise you you'll never walk alone. I will always be right by your side no matter what," I meant this with all of my heart and I hope she would always remain by me because she was the one I truly loved.

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