~8~It's Not Me In His Stars~

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NOTE: I am NOT trying to be bias of genders of anything in this chapter. Please remember that this is FICTIONAL! Thank you all for reading and lots of love :D




          What is even happening right now? I get dragged into an empty janitor's closet by three of the most beautiful girls of school. They might want money, but they all seem pretty wealthy. Is it because of something I did? I don't even know what I could have possibly done wrong. Whatever they want to talk about, they have to hurry! I need to meet P'Pha in a few minutes to go out to eat for dinner.

"Wayo, what is your relationship with Phana?" The girl who I hardly recognize said rather harshly, barely making it a question rather than a command.

"W-we're just friends."

          I tried to hide the tremble in my voice, but I just couldn't control it. Me, a man getting afraid of three women. What have I become? I take a few tiny steps back while the girls start to walk closer and closer to me, the two unfamiliar women following Pring.

"If you're just friends, than keep it that way."

"You don't want to cause trouble for Phana or hurt him, do you?"

            Of course I wouldn't ever wish harm on anyone, especially P'Pha! That shouldn't even be a question or a doubt.

"No..." I manage to get the words out of my mouth after a lot of effort.

"Good. Now I advice y-"


           Shoot- it's probably P'Pha calling to see if I forgot about dinner! Can I go check on my phone or will my kidnappers not give me permission?

            As I was about to take out my phone a brawny arm grabbed my wrist and yanked my phone out of my hand.

"Phana is calling you! What the hell?!" said Pring, trying not to lose all of her sanity.

          Oh no, my life is now over. Should I start begging to stay alive now or later? Well, life was nice when it lasted.


          THUD! I see my phone smashed onto the ground and see three girls stepping on it with all their might. I feel like I lost all control while I just watch them, managing to keep myself in one piece.

"Leave!" said one of Pring's little henchmen. Not wanting to cause any more trouble, I obey and leave as fast as I could.

          I walk out  of the school and realized it was pretty deserted right now, since the last class of the day was released around thirty minutes ago. I saw P'Pha standing there and wanted to run up to him, until I remembered what Pring said. You don't want to cause any trouble for Phana or hurt him, do you?  Hurting P'Pha is the last thing I have ever hoped for, so I would sacrifice my dignity and my love for him rather him paying the price of my selfish actions.

          P'Pha turned around and looked at me with a huge grin. I tried to control myself from P'Pha's big heart and continued to look towards the floor.



          I don't understand what's wrong with my Yo. He seems... depressed. Should I ask him about it? I would hate for Wayo to be uncomfortable, but I don't want him to force anything to me. I just want Yo to know that I'm always there for him. Always...

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