~17~Two Moons

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I was practically shaking while I was cooking the steaks. I'm so nervous that Wayo might not enjoy my cooking or notice how I'm kind of bad at surprises. Not to mention how the dog kept barking and looking up to me hungrily with big black eyes. It didn't help how adorable he (I think the dog's a boy) looked with that huge red bow tied to the side of its neck.

After I finished cooking I looked over to my side. The green rectangular box with the key inside of it can literally decide my fate. I came up with every possible thing to say for Wayo's answer. If he says no, then I'll run out of the room! Good plan, right?!


I heard my phone ring in my back pocket and glanced down at the caller ID.

Baby <3

Fucccc.... What did I do this time? I sighed while I held the phone up to my ear.

"Hey baby~!"

Hi P'Pha.

"What's wrong? Did somebody hurt you? Where are they babe I'm coming over rig-"

No.... No I'm fine. I just wanted to talk.

I felt a huge weight lift off of my shoulders while the anger slowly left my veins. I never knew I could get this upset over the thought of someone hurting Yo. I'm like a helicopter mom!

"Oh, Okay! Are you almost done with your classes?"

Yeah I just have one more class today. I'm going right now.

"Aww... Bye Yo. I love you! Stay Safe."

I love you too P'Pha!

And with that I heard Nong Yo hang up on the other end. We usually argue over who hangs up first. I know it sounds weird, but neither of us can ever pull ourselves to do it. Wayo normally give in and hung up, either because he's tired or just has to go.

I looked down and continued to tidy up and cook a bit more. Hopefully, I can please him.


It was finally time! Well, time for me to pick up Wayo. I was nervous as hell. My hands were shaking and my voice was becoming weak. It sounds like someone jus shove a corndog down my throat.

I made my way towards my car and quickly drove off to the science campus. My head was filled with endless thoughts of me failing, humiliating, or almost crying to myself over his reaction. I plugged my phone into the aux cord while I played my favorite Spotify playlist, attempting to calm myself down a bit.

Before I knew it, the car made the curve to go to the entry of the science campus. My heart beeped faster and faster as I saw Nong Yo smile and wave to me while he walked into the car. I grinned ear to ear while Wayo entered the car. Before he could put his seatbelt on, I grabbed his hand and kissed it. His cheeks went rosy red on his white complex skin. Oh my gosh he's so dang adorable!

"Hi sweetie! How was your day?"

Author Note: I just imagine Phana always giving Wayo sweet nicknames so I'm sorry if you don't like them.

"Hey P'Pha. It was fine. How was yours?"

"It was good." I looked towards my side and saw Wayo smiling while facing me. If we weren't on the road right now then I would be kissing and sucking the life out of him.

A few minutes passed of Wayo talking about his day before me made it back to my apartment. My hands were shaking and my body temperature started rising. Thankfully, Yo didn't notice.

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