~9~I Know Full Well~

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          Seriously, what has gotten into Wayo lately? These past few days he hasn't responded to any of my texts, he ignored me, and doesn't pick up any of my calls. He's making me feel helpless. Hopeless! My baby doesn't love me anymore... I try to forget about him and carry on but I just can't! Maybe our love just wasn't destined and meant to be.  

           I waited a couple of days to text Wayo again, trying not to seem too desperate. I have to keep my cool because I really don't want to scare him away from me. That's the last thing I need right now! I expect the same response as I have always gotten recently, but it's worth a shot.

P'Pha: 9:05 A.M: Good Morning Yo. How are you doing?

          I waited for a couple of minutes like I usually did, and like always, I lost hope. That slight glimpse of hope I'm always grabbing onto disappears in a matter of seconds. Then, I hear my phone vibrate in my pocket. I swear if this isn't a notification from Wayo, then I'm going to end it all. All

                                                                                                                                      I'm fine Phana: 9:12 A.M:Wayo

        There he goes again! Again with the same thing, calling me Phana! Why can't my baby just be like he use to be?! What did I do wrong to him? If there's someone listening to me right now, I hope they can grant my wishes. PLEASE.GIVE.ME.MY.YO.BACK. Someone better make that a hashtag on twitter and make it go viral, because I need that right now.

          It's been a while since I did an Instagram live, because the last one I did was with Wayo. It just brings horrid memories, knowing it will never be the same. That feeling of being by him, claiming him mines. It's all gone...

P'Pha: 9:15 A.M: Yo, I'll drive you to your classes for today, okay?

          I'm basically praying that Yo will answer my messages. While I impatiently wait, I manage to get dress and have a little breakfast. After around thirty minutes and no answer, I start to become more anxious and concern. What if something happened to Wayo? My little shorty could be in danger right now and here I am complaining about my own selfish life. Just as perfect timing, I heard my phone yet again vibrate.

                                                    Thanks but it's okay Phana. I already have a ride: 9:21A.M: Wayo

          What the hell? Who in the world besides me is giving Wayo a ride?! I swear I will end anything and everything right now just to know who it is driving Yo! Is it Ming? No...Ming normally rides with Kit just because they're "friends". How about Beam, or Forth? No, it couldn't be Beam because I know that he would have told me already.

           I can't say the same for Forth though. I knew ever since junior high that Forth had feelings for Wayo. You could just see it in his eyes. The way that he just wants to devour Wayo just ticks me off more than any of my professors. But Forth is always with Beam, right? Oh my goodness! All of my friends are having successful dating life besides me! Me, the handsome and almighty Phana is being rejected and thrown into the dirt like an old porcelain doll once again!

          After a few minutes of me consulting whether life still has a purpose of carrying on, I manage to get myself up and head off to school. I already knew today was going to be a long, devastating day...

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