Thank You~!

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Hello everyone~! Are you glad the story is over? Ha, I'm sure most of you are. Well, I just wanted to say thank you. I honestly feel like I didn't say this enough while writing. Also~~~ I LOVE YOU ALL! I'm not even joking like you all are so precious and beautiful >\\\< Please stay safe everyone and remember to keep healthy and hydrated!

Now I know you all are like "oh meh gawsh she's finally done writing and ruining the 2Moons fandom." Well jokes on you. I'm actually writing a few more stories in the near future. I apologize in advance because I know a lot of people hate my writing hahaha.

I'm planning to do like a one shot 2Moons fanfic where you all can do requests on what you want and stuff. Like au, headcannons, etc etc. That'll be fun, right? Then I'm going to do this other fanfic that I've been wanting to do for a while. It's like a 2Moons x music thing. Trust me it's not going to be one of those cringy kpop fanfics where they say "Oppa saranghae". It's not really going to be kpop related just more music. Am I making sense?

So umm.... you can read those if you want. I'm planning on starting them either tonight or like in the following days. I'd also be updating more frequently on those fanfics because personally I am happier writing those. I'd try to make the new fics like a couple thousand of words each chapter.

Thank you all so much and I love you all. Please remember to drink a lot of water and to stay healthy. Never forget that you are worth it and I care for you. If you ever need to talk, you can always message me. I just adore and love you all so much~! Remember to always smile and look forward to tomorrow.

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