~11~Good Enough~

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NOTE: For you all who get triggered easily then you've been warned I guess. I'm just putting this here because I know how some people react. It's just that Wayo wont eat but it's nothing extreme so you can chill. Also I'm sorry if this sucks as usual :/


          Today is the big day. Probably the biggest of my life! I'm going on a trip with my friends with the world's hottest guy. To double on that, we're going to the beach. Where I'm going to see him in a swimsuit, half naked~! I'm more anxious than excited for anything really. The only thing that I know for sure is that there's no way I'm going swimming. My body vs. P'Pha's body. Yeah, no way! I would die of humiliation right there on the spot.

"Are we all in?" yelled Beam who's driving. Sitting next to him was Forth, who was looking at him like a wife would look at her husband. In the very back row was P'Kit and Ming. I'm too nervous to look to the back of me, expecting P'Kit and Ming to be making out or something. Then leave me in the middle with P'Pha. Am I seriously the most luckiest or unfortunate man in the world?


         Oh shi-! Why in the world is Ming so excited. Like, it's the beach! Unless there's a thousand dollars awaiting me, I'm not going to be yelling for anything. Well, if it's for an unlimited amount of pink milk then I would kill someone, and I'm not joking.

"Nong Yo."

"Hm P'Pha?"

"Y-You...Never mind it's nothing."

"P' tell me please~!"

"No I'm serious just forget about it."


"Fine, Fine."

          Was he going to tell me that I look ugly? Am I fat or something? Please, let it be anything than this! What if he told me that he has a girlfriend?! What if he's dating Pring again. the thought of Pring and those bitc-umm... I mean....girls just bring shivers down my spine. It felt like a real life horror movie but I was the lead actor!

"Y-you look nice in t-that shirt."

          Did the world's most handsome and bravest man just complimented me? Also not to mention how much he was blushing! Well, he could never blush more than me but still. Someone check my pulse! Am I still alive or is this just a dream? If this is a dream than I hope I never wake up to the cruel reality. I feel Ming tapping my shoulder, and saw him shaping one hand as a circle and putting his finger in the other one. Pretty self explanatory. Please don't ask me what it means.

"T-Thanks P'."

          After that I hear the whole car going "awwwwww". Someone get me out of here now please! This car ride is worse than any of my classes. It's so awkward and we've only been driving for a few minutes now! Gosh, this is going to be a long day.

          Around an hour in our car ride that's going to take about four hours, we made our first stop at a gas station. My body was so stiff and I was starving. Recently, I've haven't been eating as much as I usually do because I'm trying to lose weight. Maybe I'll skip breakfast and lunch today too...

"Okay Kiddos get whatever you want. I'll pay for all of your crap. Hurry up! I want to be at the beach by sundown." said Forth while pumping gas.

          I walked in and used the restroom real quick. Following me trying to survive the awful smell in the restroom, I began my walk back to the car. That was until P'Pha stopped me half way.

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