Knock, knock.

Crystella jumped. Her hand was already on the door knob when the door knocked.

"Come in," she called as she walked away from the door, pretending to be in the midst of some activity.

"My Lady, the...uh... new pack member requested for an audience with you."

"Bring him in."

The key was all about the timing.

Crystella cursed under her breath.

"My Lady," an unmistakable voice rang.

"I can hear you perfectly well, Chase. There is no need for you to shout," Crystella replied with a forced smile while turning around to meet his gaze. The rogue's face bear a few new wounds.

"How are you?"

"I'm fine. But I must say that your wolves are really well trained," the rogue said with a smile of his own too.

"You can thank my father for that."

"That is, in the physical department. I'm not sure if any of them had ever heard the term 'self-control'. The Alpha might want to take a look in that," he continued, his smile turning into a smirk.

"He will, after he returns. What do you want?" Crystella asked, no longer smiling after the insult the rogue had thrown at her. Who did he think he was, dissing his new pack that had so graciously allowed him to live?

The rogue laughed. He looked around the room, and his gaze landed on Crystella's bed.

"Don't you want to know what happened after you left?"

Crystella's reply was immediate.


"Okay," the rogue said back, eyes still trained onto the bed.

"What do you—"

"What kind of bed do I get to sleep in?"


"That's why I came here. To know what kind of bed I get to sleep in. What kind of bed Craw's pack members get to sleep in."

"You're impossible," Crystella muttered as she stared at the rogue.

"I'm serious."

"So am I. Is there anyone out there?" Crystella called as she walked to the door and opened it.

"Yes, my Lady," the same wolf who brought the rogue in said.

"Bring him to the medics," she ordered.

"Yes, my Lady," the wolf replied, then gestured for the rogue to exit.

"Yes, my Lady," the rogue mimicked, laughed then slammed the door shut before him.

// two (short) updates in a day! 

tell me how you feel about the story at the moment because I'm kind of lost too; it's like the big picture is there, but you have no idea how to come up with the details and link them up :'

vote/comment/share if you enjoyed this chapter :D

Jia Yue

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