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Just when Marlyn go to the door, the window sudden open. A ghast of wine flew into.


Case Crystale marely jump up.

"Who r u?" Cry asks deamnding angryily she dun like intrudeers and she very angry.

"i'M WIND! TEEL MOI WHERE BOOMQUIFA IS' that firgure says booming.

Chas stromp up super duper piss. He clech his feest n shotu,

"What do yo u oen?" he askes wind. wind shaker head.

"I don't want. I need boomFfa" he sayes agn a little piss now.



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HERE I AM I AM THE PREEY BADASSES BOOMQUIFA n I AM NOT BOYS WOMAN." she scream she flyin windo and shepew pewteh fire shoot everwhere

the macho guy this dude come in he cool and hot (frm fire ofcurs) "no one butt me"

boomquifa nodd and she repet "no oen but you"

who you? marly finally open her frozen mouth caus the fire melt hser lips thats why but it not importante.

the three of tem shocker!

"I am od cours e the biggest, baddest, hottest, most porweful like king I am," he say suspense/

everyone waited.

"I BOB."

Verone gaspes.

"BOB?!" chase cyrstela and marely exlam! boom shook her head.

"No, now they must ont rmebr fi not our identitties will be revel to the wrold we cunt risk that."

wind nodes. 

"i cna disaggerewith anything else but dese. we must let them not rmeber/

'w must make them foregot/' bob added.

the three nodded.

bu then wind suddenly shake.

BUT I STILL WANT BOOQUI! he angry so anger so he slap boby and they lie down rooll down togter on cold hard ground and boom scream like gurl but she stil not any boy's girl.


wind say he body on bob bob moan he sayh "NO!"

boom finanlly wake to her sixth sense she sleap wind away

"BOB'S MINE!' and then she use her pyro skeals and blaskt wine out the windo wn

then the other tree peopls oen run awya to tell eveyroen bob here!bobhere! but boom use her magi power she say "aBRA caaaadaBEAAA

thena eberoen no rembr no more and she fly bob out caus ebob no energery aget being dominated by winde.

./? tanks all youas read my astoyr uhstl now I'ma hapypersoin pls vote pls pls cuas ei need views pls uspoort fren laylaandnabofor and read the apa of the nood ause ift very interesting ansd boomfquifaw and bob asdh wind fron there thank you so muchi l9eyve you guys

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