Once upon a time, there was a Moon Goddess who created the first creatures of the Moon—the First Wolves. All of them were given a unique colour for their eyes, to distinguish them from one another.

The brothers played all day throughout the years and they realised that they wanted to have descendants of their own, they wanted to have children to carry their name down.

The Moon Goddess thought hard about it and decided to split the souls of her First Wolves into halves. She used the other halves to create female wolves and let them became their destined—their soul mates.

The First Wolves were happy. They consummate and raised their pups together as a family. Together they lived in harmony and though there were arguments here and there, they managed to resolve them and stick together for decades.

But one day after years of peace and tranquillity, one of the First Wolves, whether possessed by a dark spirit or not, decided to commit an act of betrayal by capturing every single one of his brothers' mate. He tricked them into drinking poison which left all of them nearly dead—unconscious and barely breathing.

The brothers searched high and low, sought faraway lands but still could not find their partners. They suspect nothing of their traitorous brother as he had also kept his own wife deep in the cave.

The First Wolves cursed at the Moon Goddess, placing the blame of their wives' disappearance on her, promising to seek revenge on Her for her cruelty. The Moon Goddess said nothing, however, and decided to let the brothers resolve their conflict on their own.

Days passed and the felon of the First Wolves grown more feral. The poison was starting to wear off and the females were slowly gaining conscious. Consume by his lust, the wolf pounced on every single one of them, violating them. Their screams were never heard by their husbands, and soon, every last female in the cave was impregnated by the same wolf.

The Moon Goddess then appeared in the brothers' dreams, telling them the truth and showing them who the true traitor was. They immediately slit the wolf's throat and rescued their wives, only to find that no matter how much they tried to get rid of the pups growing in their partners' wombs, the pups still continued to grow.

They pleaded with the Moon Goddess to show some mercy, but She denied them of any. She had wanted her little revenge as well, for the First Wolves had cursed her to Hell and lose faith in her. She wanted to make sure that all of them had regretted their words.

She then cursed the wolves to have a second form—the human form. The wolves were unable to stay more than a month in their original beast form and had to go through a painful shift which would turn them to human, where they can stay in that form for as long as they like.

But he brothers cried in agony and the Moon Goddess' heart turned soft. They were after all Her creation, and every creator loves their creations.

She thought about it, then forged a bond between the soul mate, a bond that would enable soul mates to seek out to each other if one of them goes missing. The remaining of the First Wolves then teared out in joy, knowing that if their wives went missing again, they would be able to find them.

The wives then soon gave birth to the pups, and all of their eyes shone black. It was the only other favour that the Moon Goddess could give to the brothers—by taking away the colour of the traitor and his bloodlines' eyes. At first, the brothers tried to kill the pups, but later realise that none of them could die. Their anger turned to fury and they started to eye the traitor's wife and her children.

When their wives heard about this, they decided to form a truce, or rather a promise amongst themselves to protect the wolf's wife. After all, she was a victim of him too and being his soul mate only meant that she was suffering the most out of everyone.

They each chose their favourite plant and sent them to the wolf's wife, wishing her well and hoping she would getter better with their blessings. The husbands gave in too and then decided that it was better if all of them split ways, as there was too much tension then when everyone lived under the same sun.

Each brother chose a territory to call their own and parted ways. Little did they know that the wife of the dead wolf soon gave away her, leaving the younglings out in the forests, growing with the wilderness. Her pups either turned to savages or creatures who would hide in the shadows of the woods. Soon enough, there were more of them and they earned themselves the title of 'rogues'.

However, some lucky 'rogue' pups were brought in by the packs of the coloured eyes and learnt the mannerism of a civilised wolf as well as a human. These pups grew into wolves that were just like them and even mated with the wolves of the coloured eyes.

Many centuries later, the colour of the eyes was only gifted to the descendants of the Alphas, and the specific plants remained a symbol of peace for each pack. The packs also planted their plant of peace in abundance in their territory, reminding them of the painful past and the need to maintain peace and order.

And one of the brothers of the First Wolves named Craw had a wife who loved basil plants—loved them so much that she chose the plant to deliver to the traitor's wife in a symbol of blessings.

And this is why basil plants are such sacred plants of the Craw pack—a plant that meant the peace and balance for the pack itself.

// I am on schedule for once :'D

hope y'all liked this little backstory; though this is just a legend/myth and not the certain truth of what happened centuries ago (more info in next chapt)

really hated the style of my writing in this chapter and used too many repeated words... hopefully Part 11 will be something more exciting!

p.s. hit dat start if you liked this (and the previous chapters--I'd forgotten to mention this arughhh)

Jia Yue

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