He stayed right by her side for five days.

Her body was ice cold, her pulse too slow.

Though she was as good as a dead body, something about her made him stay.

And so he guarded her day and night, hoping she would finally open her eyes and look at him with those icy blue orbs.

An unexplainable force was pulling him towards her—something more than just a superficial electric shock when soul mates share a touch.

No, he knew she wasn't his mate, but he knew she had to be more than just the Alpha's daughter the moment their eyes met that day at the clearing.

It was like the Moon Goddess was playing a game with them, if She even existed.

He slipped his hand into hers and gave it a light squeeze.

Wake up, he called in his mind.

Wake up.

Wake up.


The fluttering of eyes.


"Chase? What—? Where—?"

"You fainted, remember?"

"How long was I out for?"

"It's not—"

"How. Long. Was. I. Out. For?"

"Five days but—"

"My father? Is he back?"


"Shit. Shit. Shit. Something must have happened—"

"The trackers are still—"

"No! I mean the pack! Something happened while I was out, right?" she yelled as she attempted to climb off the bed. He tried to stop her.

"Tell me!" she snarled as her hand grabbed onto his shirt, snatching a fistful of fabric.

"You should rest."

"I won't rest till you tell me what the hell happened when I was knocked out."

"Alright, things happened okay—"

"I swear to Craw, if you keep stalling—"

"And it isn't good."

"What do you mean?"

"It's fucked up."

// aaaand we're done for part 1 woot!!

didn't plan to end on part 13 but woops, even the signs are telling us that things ain't going right ;D

next part will be up pretty soon so calm down HAHAHA (p.s. hope y'all like Chase's inner confessions towards Crystella <3)

psst hit dat star ;)

Jia Yue

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