forward three days

Markus knew it was difficult to face the Alpha again.

He knew the Alpha wouldn't forget about what had happened during dinner three nights ago. But what disturbed him most was her forgetting about them, though he shouldn't blame her since the last time they had come together was years ago but then again.

Who could forget years of...friendship that easily?

Maybe to her it was something less of a friendship.

He still remembered her name—who would forget a name like hers? He knew both Elisiah and Marelynn remembered her too, from the hostility from the Fauve's second born and the weeping from the Alpha's daughter. Both the reaction coupled with the girl's nonchalance reminded him too much of the past. And as for him...

He would still be finding himself trailing behind Crystella if everything was to remain the same. Quiet, sweet and obedient Markus that would never leave Crystella's side.

But everything didn't remain the same. In fact, the thought of Crystella's betrayal still woke Markus up in the middle of the night sometimes when he gets flashback of the incident nearing ten years ago.

And the thought of her forgetting that simply made Markus' blood boil.

He had wanted to confront her before Elisiah attempted at tearing her innards out, but she had left on short notice when one of the maidservant realised that the man who had come along with her had left to Hart knows where through the window.

Justin's brother, he remembered.

The other Kelsey who was still alive.

Markus tried to think back to his childhood, wondering if he had met this other Kelsey before, but nothing triggered any memory of sort.



"What is it?" he asked without looking up from the documents that he was trying to read before his train of thoughts engulfed his conscious.

"We need to talk."


"I'm not having this conversation in which you play dumb and act all innocent to me. I've given you three bloody days to have this all sorted out and you know damn well what I'm referring to," the girl snapped as she made her way in front of Markus' desk, shoving away the documents he was looking at.

"Calm down, Eli," Markus said, sighing. It was the temper that he hated the most in Elisiah, yet it was the thing that made Eli, Eli.

"You don't get to tell me to do anything, Markus. Get your fucking head in the game because who knows when the bitch is coming back," Elisiah continued with her sharp tongue, claiming her seat on Markus' desk.

Markus raked a hand through his hair.

"Alright. What do you want to talk about?"

Elisiah rolled her eyes.

"That back-stabbing bitch, of course!"


"What? I don't care if she doesn't remember any of it because we do. And for her to even forget about us just says a lot about her. Heck, I'm not even surprised by that cold-hearted bitch."

Markus sighed. He realised he was prone to that whenever he was around his dear friend.

"She's here to gain support from the Alpha and nothing more, why do you always have to read so much into things?" Markus said calmly.

"I can't believe this," Elisiah deadpanned.


"You are still defending her after all these times. Still the same baby Markus who would follow Crystella whenever she goes because all he wants is her undivided attention," Elisiah sang as Markus clenched his fists.

"Get over you stupid crush, Markus, you're what, eighteen? Man up and know what she doesn't give a shit about you. Not then, not ever. How do you think the Alpha will react to this if he knows you're still—"


Elisiah shut her mouth up.

"You should leave and come back only when you have something constructive to share," he continued, his eyes dark and dangerous.

Before Elisiah could make her move, Markus got up from his seat and left the room.

// hi i updated twice today so i won't get murdered tonight please love Markus thanks bye

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