More than three days and her father wasn't back.

Crystella calmed herself down by repeating the words "It's okay, it's okay" in her mind while pacing in her room. It didn't help.

Any fool by now would have deduced that the Alpha's disappearance was not just a plain old disappearing mystery. The murder, the basil plants—they were all connected and definitely an inside job.

Craw was crumbling, inside-out. And whoever that was planning this even had Kelsey on their side.

Not that Crystella could just storm into the pack house of Kelsey and demand the truth—that could get her killed. No, she had to scheme just like how her enemy, or enemies, were doing. She knew her moves were being monitored, which was exactly why she had locked herself up in her room for the past four days.

The basil plants were enough clues to get her feel threatened for her safety. Would she eventually disappear like her father too? Was her father even alive?

"My Lady," someone called through the door. Crystella recognised the owner of the voice. It was Monty the Head of Medic. She walked to the doors.

"My Lady, please open the door. You need to at least eat something," Monty said through the closed door.

Crystella clenched her fist. If it was anybody, she wouldn't have let him or her in. But this was Monty, her caretaker when she was still a baby till she was able to walk. The lady who had watched her grow while she aged, serving the Craw family.

Crystella allowed herself to open the doors for the old woman.

"Thank Craw you opened the doors. Here, when is the last time you ate?" Monty said rushed in, hand holding a tray of food—a bowl of salad and a cup of herbal tea.

"Four days ago," Crystella mumbled absently as stared at the tray, now placed on her table. Being an Alpha descent had granted her the ability to go for days without food. Her stomach growled involuntarily.

Monty smiled and pushed the bowl of salad towards Crystella.


"Hate vegetables. I know. But I don't think your stomach can handle anything more than this after a few days of starvation," Monty chided as she used a fork to pick up some vegetables. Holding it out, she gestured for Crystella to take it.

Crystella gave in.

"Fine," she muttered before snatching the fork from Monty. Forcing the leaves down her throat, she quickly returned the fork to the nurse.

"Have some berries too," Monty added once Crystella swallowed the mouthful of greens.

"I'll pass," Crystella replied, already regretting eating the salad. Her fast was broken, and now, her stomach craved for more.

"Then drink some tea. It'll help you recuperate," Monty continued, oblivious to the thin sheen of sweat forming on Crystella's forehead. Her ears were ringing and her sight was hazy.

Her hand reached out, in the gesture for Monty's aid, but the nurse simply handed over the cup of tea. She wanted to open her mouth to tell Monty that it wasn't tea that she needed, but she was slowly losing consciousness.

Maybe the tea would help her. The Head of Medic was known for her tea making skills, being able to brew tea that could effectively illnesses. Her grip tightened on the cup and its warmth spread through her hands. Yes, the tea sounded like a right choice now.

Holding the cup closer to her mouth, she tipped her head upwards, the liquid almost hitting her tongue—

"Hey," a voice called out and Crystella dropped the ceramic cup. It shattered into pieces, its content spilt across the carpets.

"Oops, that'll be hard to clean. Sorry," the voice continued. Crystella blinked her eyes. Nothing changed—her sight was still not cooperating.

"Mr. Chase, do you not think it is rude to barge into a woman's room without knocking?" Monty exclaimed.

Mr. Chase. Who's that again? Right, the rogue from Kelsey.

"Well, I apologise if I'm interrupted something. I just needed a word with—hey! Is that food? Oh boy, I've been wanting to eat some berries!"

Footsteps approached and Crystella's legs almost gave in. She placed a hand on the table, supporting herself and trying to stand straight even when her mind was losing control over her body.

No, she wouldn't and couldn't show any weakness. Especially not in front of the rogue.

"What kind of berries are these? I've never seen them—"

"Hands off!"

Crystella heard a smack. The shadows in front of her were getting foggier.

"Hey, are you okay?"

The rogue was asking her a question, but her mouth refused to form the words that she wanted to say.

"Okay, I was just asking," he continued, "Don't have to give me the cold shoulder, princess."

His words rang in her head. She tried to lift her hand up from the table but realised she couldn't.

She had lost control of her own body.

She felt her body snap like a weak flower stem under the strong wind—sudden, helpless. She felt the wind against her ears as she fell closer to the ground. Her body arched backwards, a leaf fluttering down an endless—

Steady arms caught her before she hit the carpets.

// yeboi short update because I felt like writing; more Crystella x Chase action in the next update hohoho

(hit dat star yas)

Jia Yue

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