It had been more than a week since the rogue took off at Hart's territory without warning. Crystella should not have felt betrayed, but she still did nonetheless.

Despite the rogue's short presence, Crystella had realised that she had grown used to his childish antics and humour. She had no clue to why he would have taken off like a wolf who was being threatened with water hemlock. In fact, she had no clue to what the rogue was all about other than him being an exiled wolf of the Kelseys.

And now with the residents of the Hart mansion coming up to her and demanding for her to remember them, Crystella knew that she couldn't even trust herself and her memories anymore. Something certainly happened, but her mind had somehow wiped clean of those memories with or against her will.

And now with none of her problems solved yet, the desire to run away from everything is bigger than ever.

But the Alpha of Hart had asked her to give him more time to consider before she left his territory. Maybe good news would arrive soon.

"My Lady," someone called as he knocked the doors to her room.

"Come in."

It was Jules, the renowned warrior wolf of Craw that was once her bodyguard before she dismissed him the night her father disappeared.

"The Alpha of Hart had sent a letter for you," he said as he passed Crystella a sealed envelope.

Hastily, she took it from his hands and tore it apart.

Honourable Daughter of Craw:

I cordially invite you to my niece's engagement ceremony with her most loved Markus. I do hope to see you here once again and perhaps we can have further discussions on the proposed alliance.


Crystella let out a breath of frustration. She was in no mood to attend some fancy party in celebration of her supposed childhood friends' union. What was Joseph Hart playing, subtly threatening her to attend the engagement ceremony with his last line of the invitation?

No, this was not an invitation. It was an order summoning for her

"Is everything alright, my Lady?" Jules asked, noticing the frown on Crystella's face.

"Yes, it is," she replied after a few seconds later.

"Then I will take my leave—"

"How would you like accompanying me to the engagement party of Alpha Hart's niece?"


They arrived an hour before midnight, where the oath would take place alongside the Alpha's niece's fiancé's birthday. The warrior wolf stood stiff, more alert and cautious as they entered a territory that wasn't theirs.

A middle-aged man dressed in a suit greeted them.

"You must be Miss Crystella," he said as he took a deep bow, "Please follow me, my Lady."

The duo stepped forward, but the man stopped Jules.

"I'm sorry, but you are—?"

"He's with me. You should know him—Jules, the finest warrior wolf of Craw," Crystella interjected, not welcoming the idea of having to enter this party alone. This was Hart's territory after all, and she needed all the protection she could get.

The man pondered for a moment before his eyes lit up.

"Jules! Of course, it is a sin for me to not recognise you at first glance. It's my honour to meet you in person," he exclaimed, then took a deep bow again.

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