Open Heart - Morgan Page ft. Lissie

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Damn, I feel like this entire song applies.

If you need to take time,
when you make up your mind,
I will be here.
You don't have to hide,
or keep it all inside,
I'm always near.

Yeah, us. I wouldn't mind waiting an eternity for you. I know your confused, not just because you told me, but also because I know how it feels. So well. More than you can imagine, I understand. Truly, how you feel, what it does to you, the thoughts going through your mind. I know. Really. Fucking. Exhausting.

But you know what? You don't have to figure everything out right away. You don't have to and you probably can't. Won't. Because this shit just takes time. So just take all the time that you need, okay? And eventually things will start making a little more sense. And hopefully, just maybe, you will be ready. And I'll be there for you. And if you're not ready, I'll be there for you too. Because it's okay to be scared. It's okay to feel like running, like hiding. And I would lie if said that I never feel like running anymore. I still do, because guess what? I'm still scared too.

So what if, what if we could hide together? We'd keep each other safe. We'd talk to each other, support one another, just be there for each other. You can hide from the rest of the world, that's okay, if you please just let me find you. And I'll hide with you.

I try so hard to write it all out.
You work so hard to push it all down.
You keep your heart...
You keep your open heart
Hidden in the dark
Afraid that it'll break apart.

Writing it all out. That's what I decided to do. Because thinking about you drove me crazy. And trying not to think about you drove me crazy.
And really, just everything about you, drives me crazy.

I'm restless, a chaos, a hurricane. So I was just hoping that maybe this would bring me some peace of mind. We'll see how it goes. I hope it helps.

Maybe you're not pushing it down, because there's nothing there to push down, no feelings to resist. I hope that's not true. I hope you are pushing everything down and that's why you're being like this. I have reason to believe this, because you weren't always so closed off. You were kind, interested, open. You wanted to know everything about me, you cared for me. At least, it seemed like you did. And although recently you've been absent, distant, I still remember. So I keep hoping.

It's okay to love blind, and you know you'll be fine, no need to fear.
Hold me up to my words.
This passion behind my eyes, it's reserved all for you.

I've always been careful when it comes to falling in love. Truth be told, I don't fall in love easily. I'm a thinker, and more accurately, I'm an over-thinker. And sometimes, the thinking gets so overruling that I kind of stop feeling. I can't really explain it, but I just don't know what I feel anymore so I start doubting every little thing. Well, not this time. I feel, so much, too much. And I still think too much too, but that only makes me feel more. And there's no doubt, not a single one, that I fell for you.

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